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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 627

“If your Alpha would have followed through with our deal, then there would be no need to go to such measures, but as it stands, he wanted to keep you all to himself. The prophecy was not wrong, you are powerful, I can feel it. Alpha Lucas is lucky to have sired such a powerful female Alpha.”

Oh, sh*t he believes the literal version of that prophecy. Adrielle never told him I was mated to the twins, making me their daughter through the mating. I wonder if she knew I was destined for three mates? Or will she be just as confused? Either way, this dude has a rude awakening coming.

***”Keep him talking Little One. He clearly doesn’t have all the information. Maybe we can use this against him. We need to know where Adrielle is. She’s going to be our bigger problem I think.”*** Osiston coaches me.

“I think you might be a little off when it comes to the prophecy. Alpha Lucas didn’t ‘sire’ me. I am the Beta’s daughter.” I say with all the disgust the sentiment requires. “And I sure as hell won’t be mating with your weak ass son. He was not worth the energy.”

He completely ignored my insult. “You are already mated, I can smell it and feel the power you only gain after mating. There’s no other way for you to have gotten so strong.” Even in my human form I can feel my fur bristle under my skin. He thinks because I am a female I can’t be strong or powerful. “Micheal! Show yourself and handle your mate!” He shouts out to the trees. I can hear my girls chuckle over the mindlink.

“He’s not here. You are right, I am mated to an Alpha, three to be exact. And I am no Luna, which is probably why you are so confused.”

“There is no way Micheal would have allowed you to be mated to anyone else. No Alpha shares what is his. He would have killed anyone who so much as looked at you.”

***”I actually would have liked to see him try that. I believe the last time a guy tried to tell Midge what to do, because she was a girl and didn’t ‘know better,’ lost the function of his hand for the day.”*** Now Wyatt decides to chime in? What the hell? Vincent is starting to get agitated. He’s not outwardly showing it, but his body’s scent has changed and I can taste the tang of uncertainty in the air between us.

I open my mouth to say something smartass, but a loud scuffle in the trees behind me and the ‘ompf’ sounds coming from my friends lets me know they have been found. I will not turn my back on Vincent though, my friends all let me know they are alright. We came up with a code of sounds a long time ago. Being female warriors, these men need to feel superior and by giving them that false sense of security we have won many fights.

“Well, without your Alpha mate to protect you at least you didn't come alone. ALthough I don’t understand why you continue to do things the hard way. Male warriors would have been far superior and necessary for your protection. Micheal should have seen to that. You are too important to have been harmed by these disgusting rogues. His lip curls like the wolves pacing monotonously around us have the worst scent.

“You are the Rogue King, how can you call them disgusting?”

Chapter 0627 1


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