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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 628

I hear a whimper to my left, it’s Lil and she doesn’t whimper. I risk a look, she’ll tell me she’s fine even with a bone completely in the wrong direction.

***”LIL! Talk to me.”***

That was all it took for Vincent to get a good left hook in and send me flying across the open space and into the side of one of the large buildings. Motherf*cker! That sucked. It’s been a long time since someone got the drop on me like that and knocked the wind out. I have been a little preoccupied and clearly I’m being reminded that even mates are not a good enough reason to skip training. This vantage point does give me the chance to scan the area though as Vincent has to wade through the groups of wolves surrounding and fighting my teammates.

***”Why don’t you talk to us Alpha. How was that toss?”*** Sassy b*tch.

***”Such an asshole, Jena. Everyone still good? Kill these fuckers, I don’t know if any of them are alive enough to save even if we kill Vincent.”***

***”Ooooh! You rebel, calling him by his name not his title. You should do that out loud and see how hard he tries to hit you then.”***

***”Lillian! Stop giving her stupid ideas!” Oliver shouts through the link. “Bitty, you good? My whole face hurts.”***

***”Yeah, I’m fine, he got a lucky shot after Lil got hit. He’s got them possessed, I don’t think we can save them. They are still fighting even when logic and injury shouldn’t let them. Send them back to the Goddess.”*** I screech as I dodge a punch from Vincent. He hits the side of the building and doesn’t even flinch. “We need to draw Vincent out of this protective circle. I don’t know if he’s stronger here, but we aren’t getting anywhere. Any ideas?”***

***”We are coming to you Tiny. Don’t argue, the fight here has basically died out since you went to them.”***

***”Almost clear on our end, Alphas.”*** One of our warriors calls out.

No argument from me. I don’t know how I can beat him on my own. I can hear the scuffling around me, but my focus is solely on the puffed up man in front of me.

***”I wonder if his wolf is just as jacked up as he is? He’s clearly using magic to enhance his size. Can you get him to shift?” My wolf asks me. “He’s not using magic either. I don’t think he can. Maybe send something small his way and see if he will counter.”***

At this point I will try anything. Dodging his fists isn’t getting me anywhere and she’s right, he hasn’t done much but try to hit me. Either he can’t or he thinks very highly of his fighting skills and is ‘trying not to hurt me.’ I keep rolling and dodging, moving around the platform, trying to keep track of my team who is doing a fantastic job of taking out the wolves here. There are still so many, but the numbers are quickly going down. I just need to hold out a little longer and I will have help.

Chapter 0628 1

Chapter 0628 2


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