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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 629

I am now scraped up and bruised, at least on the inside. The outside of my body is doing exactly what it is supposed to do for an Alpha, but that doesn’t stop the pain I feel throbbing in my muscles and joints from this seemingly never ending fight.

“I will have you. Your fight is futile. I can’t believe the Goddess was stupid enough to place so much power in the hands of such a small and weak little girl. None of the other females in our family could handle their powers either. You have no idea what you possess and no one to teach you how to use it.”

“Umph.” I roll and dodge yet another kick, he’s starting to slow down. “Were you planning on teaching me? This is an odd way to show me you want me around. Your son at least pretended to be a friend before he tried to r*pe me. He got what was coming to him and so will you.”

“I will have you and your power.” He swings at me and misses my face, but grabs my wrist and hauls me up off the ground by one arm.

“Your son never had me, you never will. You were not good enough for the Goddess to bestow gifts upon. You are the one who is nothing, who is worthless. Where is your witch when you need her? She’s not here to lend you her magic, since you have none of your own. Your wolf is clearly too weak to come out and join us.” I look him right in the eye and I can see the moment he snaps. His mind goes feral.


He throws me and starts thrashing around. He’s not near anyone I care about so I take the chance to take an inventory of where my friends are and how many wolves are left. Too many in my personal opinion. I step over to help the girls get rid of these wolves. THey aren’t strong and like all the rest that we have gone against, they aren’t really fighting us that hard, they just outnumber us a hundred to one.




My mates all shout over the mindlink as they burst through the tree line followed by my brother and Sam and then Wyatt, Nathaniel, Osiston and Nikolas.

***”Finish off these rogues. We have an Alpha King to take care of. Don’t argue. Jena and I need this closure. Can you all deal with that? You are here and we will let you know if we need you, I promise.”***

They each rub up against me as the rest of my friends' mates do the same. Wyatt and Nathaniel mimic us by rubbing up on Lil. Assholes. They take the focus of the rogue wolves while we approach the Rogue King still thrashing and tearing up anything in his way.

***”Time to see if we can do magic in your form.”*** I tell my wolf and she is giddy at the idea. I like the thought of being in the passenger seat of the fight and focusing completely on the magic.

I send a fireball toward his chest as we shift. It hits him square in the chest, leaving a black mark, but he doesn’t so much as stumble.

***”He can be wounded, but clearly it doesn’t do much. I just wish I understood the magic better.”***

***“Don’t overthink it, Little One. You do understand the magic. You understand it enough to work with it, not fight it. You respect what magic can do and what it cannot. You understand it is to be worked with, not commanded.”*** Osiston is always in teaching mode.

Chapter 0629 1

Chapter 0629 2


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