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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 170


Chapter 170 

The faces of the two were getting closer and closer, and Hera could already feel Nash’s warmth as well as faint breathing. 

As she slowly closed her eyes, her curved eyelashes trembled slightly. Just as she was about to kiss his thin lips, a powerful hand suddenly wrapped around her waist. 

Hera’s muscles stiffened instantly, and she opened her eyes. Seeing Nash’s mischievous smile, she instantly came back to her senses. Her hands were supporting the bed, and she was about to flee, but his other hand held her head. 

Was he… Was he not asleep yet? 

Hera held her breath, her face as red as a ripe apple. 

Nash smiled faintly. His voice was slightly magnetic when he said, “Were you trying to steal a kiss from me?” 

Hera quickly shook her head, flustered. “I… I wasn’t… Um…” 

Before she could finish, Nash exerted a little force with his right hand and directly pressed Hera’s head down. 

Her mind went blank. She closed her eyes tightly, and every nerve in her body grew tense. 

Nash was a young man in his prime, and after having had some red wine that day, he was greatly stimulated by Hera’s scent which smelled like orchids. 

Hera quickly succumbed. Her hands that were supporting the mattress no longer had strength, and she simply leaned against Nash. 

Feeling his burning temperature and surging male hormones, the last bit of strength in Hera’s body seemed to be drained. 

After a moment of tenderness, Nash laid Hera on the bed, about to take further action. 

Hera clutched the hem of her nightgown tightly, and her toes curled up. 

At this moment, Hera’s phone on the bedside table rang. 

Nash’s phone also rang at the same time. 

Hera opened her eyes and weakly said, “Let’s… Let’s first answer the phone…” 

As if he had not heard her, Nash continued to nibble at her tender neck. 

Hera looked at her phone and saw it was Helena. 

Helena had never called her before. The last time they talked was when they were both in school. 

Nash also glanced at Hera’s phone from the corner of his eye. Seeing that the caller ID was Helena, he said unhappily, “She could’ve called earlier or later, but she had to call at this time. I think she’s doing it on purpose!” 

After saying this, he sat up and grabbed his phone. 

His call was from Harrison. 

Nash frowned slightly, feeling a bad premonition in his heart. 

They both answered their phones at the same time. 

Then, they received the same news. 

Something had happened at the Lewis family’s estate! 

“Mr. Harrison, don’t get anxious. Speak slowly…” 

“Dad and the rest have not been home for long, and seven villas in the Lewis family’s estate exploded simultaneously. We heard the explosion all the way at Baroque headquarters!” 

Harrison was very anxious and spoke incoherently. 

Nash heard this and quickly turned on the lights in the room. 

Harrison continued, “I just called my father and uncle, but no one answered. Now Lauren and I are rushing to the Lewis family’s estate. You and Hera should hurry over too!” 

“Okay, we’ll be right there!” 

Nash started getting dressed in a hurry, his face dark. 

The Lewis family’s estate had nearly a hundred bodyguards, but trouble still occurred. 

The attack this time was clearly not just targeting Cain but the entire Lewises. 


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