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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 

Lauren shouted anxiously, “Harrison, come back…” 

Just as she said this, Harrison had already rushed into the villa’s living room. 

Hubert and Rooney were hiding in the distance, crying their hearts out. 

Looking at the big fire in front of her, Helena was angry. 

Who was it? 

Who was so malicious as to want to wipe out the entire Lewises? 

Suddenly, there was a sound of abrupt braking. 

A red Maserati screeched to a halt by the roadside. 

Nash and Hera quickly hurried to Lauren’s side. 

“Please be okay! Please be okay!” 

Lauren was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. 

Although she usually mocked Harrison, all that was to spur his fighting spirit. 

At this critical juncture, she was more anxious than anyone else. 


Hera choked out a cry. 

Seeing her daughter coming over, the tough Lauren could not help but hug her and burst into tears. “Hera…” 

Hera also could not help crying, and the mother and daughter hugged each other tightly. 

Meanwhile, Nash glanced around at the scene. 

The ground was littered with the bodies of the Lewises’ hired bodyguards. 

Doctors and nurses in white coats were struggling to save the survivors. 

“Mom, where’s Dad?” 

Hera did not see her father’s figure and choked out a question. 

Only then did Lauren react and hurriedly say to Nash, “The old man is still in the villa, and Harrison went in to save him…” 

Nash turned his head to look at the main villa, and a glint flashed in his eyes. That was when he saw Harrison trapped between the stairs of the second and third floors. 

The scorching high temperature seemed to have sucked away all the air in the villa. 

Harrison’s clothes were already baked dry and even caught fire. 

Looking at the big fire in the stairwell, he gritted his teeth and rushed in. 

After getting to the third floor, he saw that the old man’s door had already fallen to the ground. The walls were severely damaged, and the room was engulfed in a sea of fire. 


Harrison roared with reddened eyes. 

Although his father had always favored his older brother, he was still his biological father, after all. 

With such a big fire, he feared his father would not escape this calamity. 

Tears blurred his vision, and his heart was filled with sorrow and despair. 

“Cough cough… Harri…” 

A muffled weak call came from the room. 

Hearing his father’s voice, Harrison was shocked and rushed into the room without hesitation. 


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