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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 194

Chapter 194 

Outside Sagen Airport, just when Angelica turned on her phone and was about to book a taxi service, she saw a text message from Holt’s team. 

She immediately informed Nash about Jupiter. “We must find Wesley before Sky Blade’s men! 

Nash said solemnly. 

“They shouldn’t be able to find Bronze Town, right?” Angelica looked at Nash in surprise and said. 

Bronze Town was the place Nash found out after seeing the photo of Wesley’s first love and girlfriend in Walker’s home. 

Those from Sky Blade definitely would not be able to think of it. 

Nash raised his hand and called for a taxi. “Then you might not understand the power of these top mercenaries. If they can find the restaurant, they’ll definitely be able to find out where Wesley is hiding!” 

One taxi came to a stop by the side of the road. 

Nash got into the car. 

After getting in next to Nash, Angelica said, “With Holt’s team around, those mercenaries won’t be able to get close to Old Walker and the others so easily!” 

Nash smiled but did not say anything. 

Angelica had never dealt with mercenaries, so, of course, she was not privy to their methods. 

He had dealt with mercenaries many times before, so he knew these top mercenary groups very well. Those people cooperated tacitly and were almost as good as all those top detectives when it came to investigations. 

Seeing that Nash was not about to give her an explanation, Angelica could not help blushing.” Did I understand something wrong?” 

“No, you’re right, but we still have to find Wesley as soon as possible!” 

After nearly 90 minutes of driving, the taxi stopped outside Bronze Town. 

The parking lot outside the town was filled with a variety of luxurious cars. Many internet celebrities were here to check out the place and take pictures. 

There was a table next to the parking lot and the sign next to it said “Ticket Office.’ 

The conductor was a young man with blonde hair, and he was looking at the beautiful women coming and going with great interest. 

Here, Angelica looked around and said, “I called a classmate of mine. She should be here soon! 

“We’re not here to travel, so there’s no need to trouble her.” 

Nash went straight to the ticket office. 

“Give me two tickets!” Nash said. He then took out his phone and scanned the QR code to pay. 

The conductor took out two tickets and placed them on the table. “Two tickets, 400 dollars.” 

“400?” Nash stared, dumbfounded. 

Why would the tickets to a scenic spot cost 200 dollars? It was not that he did not have the money; he just did not want to be taken for a fool. 

“If you don’t have money, then why travel? Go back to your farm!” 


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