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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 195

Chapter 195 

“Then I’m the governor of Sagen!” 

The conductor obviously did not believe the young beauty to be the deputy chief of the Inspection Department. It was not only him as even Nash did not believe it. 

Felicity pinched the conductor’s ear, then lifted her leather jacket to reveal her ID card inside 

The conductor’s pupils abruptly shrunk. “I… Fuck, a-are you really the deputy chief?” 

Felicity pushed the conductor down on the table with a smack. “You scalpers are really stubborn. You keep cheating money out of fools. Doesn’t it keep you up at night?” 

Nash turned to look at Angelica. “Am I one of the fools she’s talking about?” 

Angelica gulped. “M-Maybe?” 

Nash felt momentarily ashamed. If he had not been in a hurry and had not been trying to avoid attention, he would not have chosen to spend 400 dollars on the tickets. 

“Miss, I slipped up. I won’t do it again! You’re a kind-hearted woman. You’re also powerful, so please just ignore this!” The scalper begged for mercy with a mournful expression. 

“Fuck right off. If I see you scalpers again, I’ll catch you all one by one!” 

Felicity had no intention of lowering herself to this scalper’s level, so she let him go. 

The scalper ran away without even taking the two tickets on the table with him. 

A few tourists from abroad who were standing nearby looked at the tickets in their hands, dumbfounded. 

Did they buy excessively priced tickets sold by scalpers? 

Felicity looked at the tourists who had been scammed and taunted, “You should’ve read the travel guides before coming, then you wouldn’t have been deceived!” 

“Angelica, is your classmate really the deputy chief?” 

Nash would have thought she was a lunatic if she had not introduced herself just now. 

Angelica smiled. “Sagen is a special place. The Inspection Department’s rules and regulations are relatively loose here. Felicity has only been in office for less than half a year, but she has already reorganized many of the towns and villages!” 

“What are you two muttering about?” 

Felicity walked up to Nash and Angelic casually. 

Angelica smiled and said, “Felicity, let me introduce you. This is-” 

“Don’t… I don’t want to meet any idiots, or I might become dumber under their influence!” Felicity cut her off with disdain. 

Nash’s lips curled, but he did not bother paying attention to the deputy chief. 

Felicity handed the two tickets the scalper left behind to Angelica. “Let’s go. I’ll take you to 

Bronze Town!” 

There were two gates at the ticket entrance. One used facial recognition and was mainly for the residents of Bronze Town to come and go. The other gate needed to be opened manually by the ticket inspector. 

There were many antique buildings and various food stalls inside Bronze Town. 


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