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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 100

Henry sat aside and did not say a word. When everyone raised their glasses, he also accompanied them to drink a few times and spent more time listening to the communication between Gina and Ross. They talked very fast. Generally speaking, people who were familiar with French had to spend some effort if they wanted to understand what they said, but for Henry, it was not a problem at all.

Hearing this, Henry gradually frowned, because what they talked about was not how to let the two companies have a better cooperation, but how to get more money from Lins Group!

Henry took out his mobile phone and secretly took pictures of Ross and Gina Lok. He sent them to Wade and asked him to check their identities.

Only 15 minutes later, the detailed information about Ross and Gina was sent back to his mobile phone.

He sneered and looked at the message on his mobile phone.

In fact, the so-called Ike Company was just a fake company. Gina had made up the identity of the president of the Ross region as well as a cover for him.

Ross, on the other hand, was just a counselor for Gina when she was studying in France. There were a lot of ambiguous relationships between them. When Gina was in France, it was because of this Ross that she broke up with her boyfriend.

Gina and Ross talked happily. From time to time, they would pretend to raise their glasses together and wish each other a pleasant cooperation.

“Come, here’s another toast to all the beauties.” Ross took the initiative to raise his glass and speak in poor Chinese. “Let’s wish each other a pleasant cooperation!”

"Okay!" Gina took the lead in applauding and burst into applause.

Everyone raised their glasses.

In the eyes of Ross and Gina, it was clear that they had succeeded.

Although Henry knew these two people's dirty tricks, he didn't expose them immediately. If Lins family belonged to him, there was no doubt that these two people couldn't see tomorrow's sun. But now, he couldn't deal with this matter in his own way.

As the newly established business plan of Lins Group, it needed a stable development. If Henry directly ruined this matter without saying anything, Sylvia would have a headache and it would hurt the hearts of these business coworkers. After all, these peoples didn't know the ins and outs of this matter, so they put all their attention on the cooperation.

Henry smiled and picked up the wine glass.

After drinking the wine cup by cup, the atmosphere became more and more lively. These old bastards were bolder and even hugged the salesgirls next to them. These girls had already had experience. If they were newcomers, they would have already been taken advantage of.

"Come on, I'll open a few more bottles of wine for everyone. We'll have a good drink today, and we'll have a good time."

Gina stood up, took the initiative to pick up two bottles of wine, stood aside, and opened them.

When Gina opened the bottle, she put her hand in front of the bottle for a long time. This action made Henry's eyes turn cold.

Although Gina's movements were very careful, Henry still saw clearly that she poured a pack of medicine into the bottle!

The French handsome man sitting next to Amity took over the bottle of wine in Gina's hand and poured a cup for her. "Beauty, let's drink alone. We'll meet often in the future."

As he spoke, the handsome French man picked up the bottle of wine that had been mixed with medicine and handed it to Amity. At the same time, he placed one hand on her shoulder.

Amity's face was red. After taking the wine cup, she unnaturally twisted her shoulder, but failed to break free from man's hand on her shoulder.

This scene made her particularly tense, and she stuttered, "I... I'll drink first this in the cup."


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