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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 101

Although Henry did not use all his strength, his attack was still rather strong. The chair heavily hit the head of the handsome guy and knocked him to the ground on the spot. Henry did not stop the attack when he saw the man falling to the ground. He slapped a few more times, and then threw the chair to the side with resentment. He then turned to look at Amity and said, "Did he hurt you?"

"No ... no," Amity was so frightened that her entire body curled up.

"That's good." Henry clapped his hands and kicked the French handsome guy who was lying on the ground again.

The kick directly aimed at his stomach, making him look like a cooked shrimp. He curled up there with a pale face. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. His twisted face showed the pain on his body.

"Henry! What are you doing?" Gina rushed to the door of the room and screamed when she saw the scene in the corridor.

Henry gave Gina a cold look and ignored her. He helped Amity get up and led her to the other end of the corridor.

"Henry, stop!" Gina roared at him.

As if he didn't hear it, Henry walked down the stairs with Amity without stopping and disappeared in the corridor.

Looking at Henry who was so arrogant, Gina trembled with anger. "Good! Henry, you're so arrogant! We'll see!"

Henry pulled Amity out of the hotel. When he took a closer look, he found that the girl was crying and tears were dropping all over her face. For an intern who had not graduated yet, it was really hard to accept what just happened.

"Well, well, don't cry. Otherwise, if we are seen by others, they will think that I am bullying you. Later, you will be photographed and seen by my wife. She is very jealous." Henry took out a small bag of tissue from his trouser pocket and handed it to Amity.

Amity burst into tears and cried even more loudly.

Henry sighed. He didn't know how to comfort her. A woman crying was the most difficult thing to deal with.

"Stop crying. Just wipe your tears. Look at your snot. It's flowing into your mouth. You are supposed to be a fairy, but now you turned out to be a sh*t."

Hearing this, Amity couldn't help laughing. She took out a tissue and wiped her tears. She raised her head and looked at Henry with red eyes. "You are the b*stard."

Henry curled his lip, "I don't eat shit. Wipe your face."

"Yes." Amity wiped her nose but found nothing. She suddenly reacted and reached out her pink fist on Henry's body. "You're so annoying. You deliberately lied to me! I don't have a snot."

"You're all right?" Henry smiled and said. "What are you going to do now? Are you going to the party and vent your anger, or go home to have a sleep and turn to a new page?"

"I... I don't know how to ..." The autumn rain became weakly, "Brother Zhang, thank you today. I'll go home and have a good sleep."

"You don't need to thank me. You call me brother, how can I watch you be bullied? All right, don't thank me, I'll send you home, you have a good rest, huh?" Henry raised his eyebrows.

"Mhm." Amity nodded. "My home is not far from here. Brother Zhang, can you walk with me?"

It was summer and it was seven o'clock in the afternoon, but the sky was still bright. Henry walked along the road with Amity. There were green grass and trees on both sides of the road, with a fragrant smell.

Amity opened her mouth several times as if she wanted to say something, but she stopped.

"Girl, just say what you want to say. Your personality is not suitable for doing business." The corners of Henry's mouth turned up. The little tricks of Amity could not escape from his eyes.


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