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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 102

It was the early morning of a new day.

On the way to work, Sylvia told Henry that he didn't need to go to the company in the morning. He should go directly to the Chinese Medicine Clinic to deal with the teaching. There were many things that needed to be arranged by him in person.

He always carried out Sylvia's orders unconditionally.

He went to the Chinese Medicine clinic and worked for a whole morning. He told President Ma and others what equipment he needed to buy. There were not too many things for him to use his brain, but a lot of decisions needed to be made by him. After he finished his work, it was noon.

Henry returned to the company and was about to have lunch when he was called by Secretary Lee.

"President Lin asked you to go to her office."


Henry came to the top floor of the Lins Building and knocked on the door of the president's office.

"Come in." Sylvia's voice sounded in the office.

He opened the door and felt something was wrong.

"President Lin, are you looking for me?" Henry asked.

Sylvia looked at Henry with a report in her hand. In her eyes, there was an unconcealable anger. "I heard that you did something yesterday?"

"Something?" Henry was confused.

"Beating up customers as you will, and watching videos online during work time. Are you the one who did it?" Sylvia slammed the report on the desk.

Sylvia had always been very serious about her work.

Henry frowned and understood what was going on. Gina must have come to complain first.

"President Lin, I think it's necessary to explain to you what happened yesterday."

"That's not necessary. I understand your idea. I had a chat with the little girl named Amity in the morning. The man really overreacted yesterday. If it was me, I would also be angry. But beating people is a little too offensive. Don't you know how much loss your impulsiveness has caused to the company? You are very close to that little girl?"

"I ..." Henry was about to speak, but he felt a little strange. Now Sylvia was angry. It seemed that it had nothing to do with him hitting people. More importantly, was it because he stood out for Amity?

Henry stared at Sylvia's pretty face, trying to find something.

Being stared at by him, Sylvia was a little unnatural. She slammed the table and said, "Henry, I'm asking you the question!"

"President Lin, are you jealous?" Henry asked with a strange look.

"Jealous? Are you crazy? What do you think I'm jealous of?" Sylvia asked with a funny look. "I'll ask you now. Do you know how much loss you have caused to the company?"

"I don't know." Henry shook his head. "I don't think I have caused any loss to the company."

Sylvia widened her eyes, "Don't you think that there will be any harm to the company? Henry, I really don't understand how you can say these words. The cooperation with the Ike Company is the first step of the group's transformation and also a cross-step. But it was destroyed by you in this way. You actually said that you didn't think you would cause harm to the company?"

"It's just a French company. I'll find another one. We shouldn't cooperate with such a dirty person like him," Henry said indifferently.

He knew a lot of French companies. Whether it had the background of a multinational group or the royal family, he could find them easily.


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