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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 121

Henry's words made all the people in the hall look at Rick. Some of the people who were familiar with him showed pity in their eyes.

It would be a waste of such a good opportunity for Rick.

Rick's face changed a few times, and he said in a low voice, "Young master, it's just a misunderstanding between you and me. Don't you think you're too petty?"

"That's right. I have offended you, it had nothing to do with my master!" Ron also opened his mouth and hurried to remedy it. He did not care about whether he could learn something from Henry. What he cared about now was that his master would vent his anger on him. In this case, his future for the rest of his life would be gone.

"You think? I don't think so." Henry laughed and pointed behind him. "Please look at the screen. This is the video I just recorded with my mobile phone."

On the big screen behind Henry, Ron was making a scene outside the hall.

"Let me tell you, the patient is sick, and the ones who are treating him are us, doctors! I can treat him in my own way. It's not your turn to talk nonsense!"

Ron's eyes were arrogant and his words were harsh.

Such words made the doctors sitting in the hall open their eyes wide at the moment. They said that they could treat him in whatever way they wanted, making them wonder if they had misheard him.

"Wicked guy! He's a good-for-nothing!"

"Rick Zhao, you have been a doctor for decades, and you have a good reputation in the industry. Why do you teach such a disciple? The patient put his life in our hands, and we should be responsible for him. We can treat him as we like? Is it said by a doctor? Is it said by a person?"

"This kind of person is not worthy of practicing medicine!"

In the hall, scolding voices rose one after another. Some of the old physicians were even more excited.

"Doctor Zhao, I, Henry Zhang, am not the target of this matter. Before everyone practices medicine, we will always remember the words 'heart of the doctor's parents'. There is an old saying in China, 'The son's committing mistakes should be blamed for his father's failure to teach him. If your disciple can say such words, it is directly related to you. Now, please go out."

Henry held the microphone and made a gesture of invitation.

Rick's face darkened, and he looked at Ron with a trembling body.

"Master, I..." Ron's face turned pale.

"B*stard!" Rick heavily waved his arm and slapped Ron in the face. The voice was clear and loud. "I don't have a disciple like you. From today onwards, I'm not your teacher!"

After Rick's slap ended, he ignored Ron. He turned around and bowed to Henry, who was standing on the stage. "Young Master, you're right. For an evil disciple to say something like this, it does indeed have something to do with me. I think I'm a good doctor, but I'm not a good teacher. I've learned a lot from what happened today!"

After Rick finished his words, he turned around and walked out of the hall.

Ron had a panicked look on his face. He called out the teacher and hurried out to follow him.

The person who had been following Ron did not dare to make a sound now. He followed Ron gloomily and went out of the hall. As for the students who had just ridiculed Henry with Ron, they also had no face to stay here and went out of the hall.

Outside the general hall, Ron stood there in a daze. He knew that today's thing made him have no possibility of practicing medicine in the latter half of his life. So many predecessors in the medical field were here today. Although China was big, there was no place that would accept him.

"You are pretending to be sad, aren't you? You didn't only talk nonsense, but you even hurt us." A student came out and looked at Ron with a look of dissatisfaction.


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