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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 122

It was the first time for Henry to come to the wine street of the university town with the idea of drinking. The street vendors, the fragrant snacks, all made Henry feel very interested.

Daisy and others were very experienced. They chose a KTV, booked a room, ordered a beer set, sat in it, and began to sing.

Wade's two followers gave Henry a cigarette and a glass of wine, which made Henry a little embarrassed.

At half-past nine in the evening, the sky had completely darkened. Henry and the others were also playing happily when the door of the box was suddenly kicked open.

Kicking open the door, it was a young man with short brush-cut hair. He looked like a student. Behind the short-haired young man, there were a few followers.

At the sight of the man, Wade, who was still singing, frowned and put down the microphone. "Ivan Guo, what are you doing?"

The short-haired young man named Ivan Guo stretched and crossed his arms behind his head. He looked around casually and said, "I don't mean anything bad. I just want to see it. What's the matter? Why didn't you look me first when you arrived at the wine street?"

Wade's underlings all stood up and shouted at Ivan, "Who do you think you are? Making Wade say hello to you!"

Another younger brother, Ken Yang, also snorted. "They are all from the Green Leaf. Do you think you are qualified to make our brother Wade say hello to you?"

"Do you want to die?" Ivan's henchman also scolded him.

"It doesn't matter. Let them talk tough." Ivan waved his hand indifferently to his men and continued, "Wade, I think you'd better not call yourself Green Leaf. It's not shameful to say that your elder brother is a good-for-nothing now. Leopard Kurata? Haha, you are already a good-for-nothing! If someone disables your hands, you shouldn't have the face to claim to be the boss of Green Leaf. Now he should be replaced by our elder brother Long!"

"What did you say?" When Wade heard this, he directly stood up and rushed toward Ivan while waving his fist.

Ivan didn't move. Two men directly came out from behind him and pressed Wade against the wall so that he couldn't move. The two men were obviously not students. The machetes at their waists were shocking.

Ivan did not look at Wade but looked at the three women in the box. "Wade, you said that you arrived at the wine street and didn't say hello to me first. How to solve this issue? Why don't you let these beautiful women talk with us?"

Wade was pressed against the wall by the two of them. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence, "Ivan, don't push your luck!"

"Push my luck? So what if I want to push my luck?" Ivan smiled and did not take Wade and others seriously at all.

Ivan said as he walked towards the room.

"If you take another step forward, I'll break your legs." Henry, who had been sitting there without saying a word, picked up a glass of iced beer and gulped it down.

Upon hearing Henry's words, all the Wade's followers who were afraid of the two guys with machetes felt greatly relieved.

"That's right. My brother-in-law is here. What am I afraid of?"

Henry's existence made them feel as if there is nothing to worry about.

The things that Henry did in the casino that day were still vivid in their minds. Facing dozens of professional fighters, Henry held the field by himself. No one dared to resist. Ivan was nothing compared with those professional fighters!


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