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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 144

The Business department in Lins Group.

Sister Hong and others stood outside the reception room. Through the window of the reception room, they looked at Amity, who was signing the contract, with an envious face.

A commission of half a million! This was the money that they could only earn in a few years. How many people couldn't save so much money all their lives? It was a lie to say that they were not jealous of a girl who just came to work as an intern.

But so what if they were jealous? They could only watch her sign the contract.

Henry held a cup of tea and sat quietly in front of his desk, wearing headphones, watching the videos of the methods of how to teach traditional Chinese medicine.

At this time, Sylvia angrily appeared in the office room of the business department. She saw Henry sitting there watching the video. Because Henry was facing the door of the office, Sylvia did not see what he was watching. She saw Henry wearing headphones, so she was very interested. Sylvia walked to Henry's desk, reached out, and knocked on the table.

"Hmm?" It was not until then that Henry noticed Sylvia. He took off his headphones and asked with a strange look, " President Lin what are you doing here?"

Sylvia took a deep breath and said, "Henry, come out for a second."

"Oh, okay." Henry nodded and stopped the video. Then he got up and followed Sylvia with a confused look.

After leaving the office, Henry noticed that Milan, Nico, and Prince Charlie were all standing outside the office.

Gina Lok, wearing a gray uniform, was looking at him with a sneer.

"President Lin, what's wrong?" Looking at the situation, Henry asked strangely.

Sylvia looked at Gina and said, "Manager Lok, please repeat what you just said."

"Okay." Gina smiled confidently and then clapped her hands to attract the attention of the people standing in front of the reception room.

When Sister Hong and the others saw President Lin coming, they all walked towards the door of the waiting room.

"Everyone, please listen to me." Gina's voice was very loud. " There is such fraud in our company!"

"When she said the word "fraud", Gina deliberately laid her eyes on Henry. "There are people who deliberately wanted to destroy the company's cooperation, directed and put on a good show, found some unknown people, and joined forces to swindle the company's assets."

"Swindling the company's business? Manager Lok, who is this person?" When Sister Hong heard it, she immediately showed a look of indignation.

The rest of the people also spoke up to show their loyalty to the company in front of Sylvia.

Henry felt happy in his heart. "Oh, how come she speaks about herself."

"That man is not far, just right in front of us!" Gina stretched out her hand and pointed directly at Henry's face.

"You mean... me?" Henry looked at Gina with a strange expression. "Where's your evidence?"

"Evidence?" Gina laughed disdainfully and said loudly, "Evidence, of course, is in the reception room. Now President Lin is also here. Henry, let me ask you. You found a partner in three days, and only let a newcomer negotiate, and sign the A-grade contract. What is the identity of this person?"

"A-grade contract?" Sylvia frowned. It was she who had made the A-level contract and promised a commission of five hundred thousand yuan.


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