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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 145

Prince Charlie's sudden exclamation shocked everyone.

Prince Charlie looked at Sylvia and asked, "Sylvia, did you just say that French Gerald Group?"

"Yes." Sylvia nodded. There were so many people here, so she didn't directly reveal Prince Charlie’s identity. "Mr. Charlie, have you heard of the Gerald Group?"

"Of course." Prince Charlie nodded. "In France, there are not many people who know about the Gerald Group. I happen to be one of them. The Gerald Group has its businesses all around the world. Sylvia, how do you know about the Gerald Group?"

"Mr. Charlie, the partner of our cooperation is the Gerald Group," Henry explained with a smile.

"Impossible!" Prince Charlie showed an attitude of disbelief on the spot. "The Gerald Group has been very selective when doing business and they have fixed partners. In China, only a few people can cooperate with the Gerald Group. This is the rule of the Gerald Group. Sorry, Sylvia, please forgive me for being blunt. I'm just stating a fact."

Milan looked at Henry and asked strangely, "Henry, have you found someone from the Gerald Group?"

Milan had been working for the French royal family for a long time, and she had also heard of the Gerald Group.

"Yes." Henry nodded. "Is it very strange?"

"Strange! It's so strange!" Milan nodded. "As far as I know, the Gerald Group does not have an office in Yinzhou City. How did you contact the Gerald Group?"

"I called," Henry said honestly.

Gina said, "President Lin, I think we can confirm the identity of the man. In this way, all the doubts will be gone."

Sylvia nodded and walked to the reception room. It was not that she did not believe Henry, but she wanted to give everyone an explanation. Therefore, things must be figured out.

Charlie and Milan followed Sylvia into the reception room.

Sylvia saw that there was an old man with grey hair and a beard sitting in the reception room. The old man was wearing a grey windbreaker. At first sight, he gave people a feeling of power.

Homer casually sat on the sofa and tasted the tea in the cup. The people who came in did not arouse his interest at all.

"Hello, sir. I'm Sylvia, the person in charge of Lins Group." Sylvia walked up to Homer and took the initiative and reach out her hand.

Homer smiled, got up, and gently held Sylvia's hand. "Hello, Sylvia, tea in your company tastes great."

After greeting Sylvia, Homer looked behind Sylvia and fixed his eyes on Prince Charlie.

When Prince Charlie looked at Homer, he felt that he had seen him before, but he could not remember where he had seen him.

"Little Charlie, I haven't seen you for many years. You've grown up." Homer smiled.

Homer's casual words made Sylvia, Milan, and others shocked at the same time.


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