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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 153

Henry ordered some home-cooked dishes and two dishes of spicy crayfish. Sylvia was just stuffing the food in her mouth, and she was very satisfied.

"President Lin, it seems that you haven't eaten crayfish, have you?"

Henry looked at Sylvia's clumsy posture of removing the shell and said with a smile.

"No, I've never eaten it before. It's so delicious." Sylvia's eyes were filled with joy and she kept peeling crayfish one after another.

"Do you want more?" Henry asked tentatively. Sylvia had eaten a lot today.

Who would have thought that she didn't have to think about it at all? She nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, let's have a few more!"

Henry was happy to see Sylvia eating so happily, so he ordered two more plates of crayfish.

The young man sitting on the side looked at the two of them and heard Sylvia's words. He looked at Henry with disdain.

It was the first time for him to bring his girlfriend to eat crayfish. How could such a person have the courage to date such a beautiful woman? And from the words of this beautiful woman, it was also her first time to eat something like this. It seemed that her family background was also very ordinary, so she liked such a poor boy. As long as he showed off his BMW Z4 sports car, she would know his high status!

"Honey, I'm full. Let's go home." The young man's girlfriend wiped her mouth. She seemed to realize that her boyfriend was focusing on someone else.

"You go back first. I have something to do today." The young man waved his hand impatiently. "I'll give you two thousand yuan. Go shopping with your friends."

The original unhappy face of the girl immediately rose with joy when she heard this. She took the young man's 2,000 yuan and left happily.

The youth sat there with a sneer on his face. A plan had been formed in his head.

Sylvia ate two more crayfish before she wiped her mouth contentedly.

"Do you want to eat more?" Looking at little foodie, Henry felt it was a little funny. Every time she would eat delicious food, Sylvia would become as lovely as a little girl. She was not like a president at all.

"No, no." Sylvia waved her hand again and again. "I've eaten enough today. Let's come back next time."

"Well, tell me when you want to eat. I'll take you here." Henry got up and paid the bill. He pushed his bike to the entrance of the restaurant, and Sylvia sat in the back seat as she used to do.

In the restaurant, some people had just noticed Sylvia, and after seeing Henry riding a bike with such a beautiful girl, they felt a little pity for Sylvia. Why did she choose such a worthless man to be her boyfriend?

The young man, who had been staring at Henry and Sylvia, sneered, walked out of the restaurant and got in his BMW Z4.

Henry rode his bike, carrying Sylvia, slowly riding on a soft evening breeze on the road.

When passing through the intersection, a strong light suddenly hit on the two people, and a BMW Z4 broke through the red light and rushed straight toward them. When it was about to hit the two people, it began to slow down, and the breaks gave out a harsh sound.

At the critical moment, Henry jumped high and left the bike. He turned around and hugged Sylvia, avoiding the BMW Z4 that was coming at a fast speed.

Although the collision of the BMW's front and the bike was not very strong, it still pushed the bike three meters away. If Henry and Sylvia were to sit on the bike just now, they would definitely get hurt.

What happened all of a sudden scared Sylvia until the bike was knocked out. She was still in a daze.

Henry appeased Sylvia, walked angrily to the BMW, and shouted angrily, "How do you drive? Didn't you see the red light?"


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