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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 154

The young man's face was full of pride. He found that this poor boy was even worse than he thought. Originally, he just wanted to frighten the guy and throw some money to show the beauty of his financial resources, and then satirize the poor guy for having no money. Now the poor guy took the initiative to blackmail him. Wasn't he more contemptuous?

As for what had happened here, someone had called the police, and the traffic police rushed over immediately.

In the face of being detained by the traffic police, the young man didn't care about two hundred yuan fine at all.

What he wanted to do now was to show off as much as possible. After everything was done, he would ask for beauty's phone number.

In the face of such an accident, traffic police would generally ask the relevant party about how to deal with it. If there were no injured or killed, both parties would negotiate how to compensate.

"Officer, I just knocked down this guy's bicycle and offered him 15,000 yuan. He still thinks it's not enough. Is he deliberately blackmailing me?" The young man folded his arms and leaned against the door of the car. Obviously, he was wrong, but now it looked like he was right.

"15,000 yuan?" The traffic police glanced at the bike lying on the side and said to Henry, "Sir, 15,000 yuan is far more than what you have lost. According to the normal procedure, the other side only needs to pay the compensation."

"Then let him compensate us according to the price." Henry waved his hand and said, "Your traffic police department should have a special person who can evaluate the damage. Call him here."

"Hahaha! Do you think your bicycle is damaged?" The young man laughed loudly. "I'll give you 15,000 yuan, which is enough to buy dozens of bicycles!"

"That's right. Young man, don't look for a nicer. Take the money and leave." The onlookers also said.

The traffic police officer also opened his mouth and said, "Sir, I think this matter can be either big or small. If we find an evaluator, the reward will be far less than fifteen thousand yuan."

"We don't want to ask for money. We just want him to apologize!" Sylvia, who had been silent for a long time, said. In her eyes, 15,000 yuan was nothing. She was also very angry with the young man. He had clearly run the red light and almost hit someone, but he still looked reasonable.

"Beauty, I can apologize to you. Give me your contact number and I'll apologize to you every day, okay?" The young man looked at Sylvia with a smile.

Sylvia turned her head away and didn't even look at the young man.

"Officer, as the person involved, I need you to find an evaluator. Call him." Henry walked to the side, picked up his bicycle, and looked at it. There were two beams that were completely bent.

"Young man, what are you looking for? Your bicycle hasn't been damaged. Please take the money and ride away." An old man next to him urged Henry. In the old man's eyes, Henry was a dead-headed man who didn't know how to adapt.

The traffic police nodded and said seriously, "Sir, I have to remind you that when the victim is here, the losses of this accident will be all compensated according to the estimated evaluation. The compensation of the other side is not within the scope of compensation."

"I understand. Call someone."

Seeing that Henry was so persistent, the traffic police did not say anything more. He made a phone call and ordered the staff to come over.

The young man snorted coldly.


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