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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 155

The evaluator swallowed a mouthful of saliva and called the traffic police officer to the side to deal with the accident.

Two minutes later, the traffic police officer also looked at the bike in front of him with amazement. 1.8 billion dollars, oh my god!

The young man driving the BMW stood aside with an impatient look on his face. "Hey, officer, have you finished? I still have a few million yuan worth of business to talk about."

"Well, the result has come out." The officer nodded.

"How much is it? Just tell me. It's just a piece of cake. I wasted half of my day here."

"If you have the insurance, you can compensate from there. If you didn't buy the insurance, you have to compensate Mr. Zhang for the loss of seventy-eight million dollars," the police officer said. When he said this, the officer almost did not believe it was true - a small bicycle with only two beams damaged, which could cost 78 million dollars. This ordinary person could not afford it even if he sold all his property!

"What?" The young man stared at the traffic police. "78 million dollars. Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding. I officially inform you that the payment this time is 78 million dollars. If you have any objections, you can ask the court for a complaint. Now, I need your cooperation. Hand over your driving license. Please come with me."

The traffic police officer went straight to the door of the BMW Z4 and pulled out the car key.

"F*ck you!" As soon as the young man saw this move of the traffic police, he shouted on the spot, "You damn police, are you fucking playing with me? I knocked down a bicycle, and you make me compensate him with tens of millions of dollars?"

The traffic police officer's face darkened and he snapped, "Don't make trouble for no reason. We have our compensation rules. Please follow us back to the police station for an investigation now!"

"Sir, this is the insurance list of this bicycle." The evaluator stood in front of the young man with a mobile phone in his hand. "If you don't believe me, you can look for it on the Internet. I have confirmed with the company that the bicycle you hit is worth 1.8 billion dollars. All the samples and certificates will be displayed in front of you tomorrow morning. Now, please go to the police station to make a record."

Staring at the picture of the bicycle on the phone, the young man murmured and shook his head. "It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible. How is it possible?"

"Nothing is impossible." Henry glanced at the young man. "I gave you a chance, but you didn't know how to cherish it."

"Let's go." The traffic police officer grabbed the young man's shoulders and took him to the police car.

The young man's proud face disappeared completely at this time. If the insurance was real, he made such big trouble this time!

If it was just the payment of a few thousand dollars, the traffic police would not even bother to bring this young man to the police station for a record. However, the current compensation was simply too terrifying!

Not to mention that the traffic police were scared, even Sylvia was also shocked.

1.8 billion dollars was enough to buy several Lins Groups!

Before Sylvia could ask, Henry took the initiative to say, "Didn't I save Homer's life before? He insisted on giving me something, so I picked a bicycle casually. I didn't expect it to be so valuable at that time. President Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Henry noticed that Sylvia's face was very ugly now. There was also some distance between her and him subconsciously.

"Henry, tell me honestly, who are you?" Sylvia's pretty face was cold. If you looked at her carefully, there was a layer of mist in her eyes.

Her attitude made Henry a little anxious. "President Lin, didn't I explain it to you before?"


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