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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 178

"Hmm?" Henry was confused. He really did not expect that Sylvia would say such a thing.

He looked at Sylvia and said, "Why are you telling me this?"

"I just don't want you to misunderstand us." The lights at the intersection changed. Sylvia looked ahead and said, "Sam's family and my grandfather know each other. When he was a soldier in the army, I happened to have a business deal there and went to see him once. The soldiers in their army like to joke with me. In fact, we are just ordinary friends."

Henry nodded and said nothing.

Seeing Henry's reaction, Sylvia thought that Henry was angry, so she said nothing.

In fact, Henry was jealous.

Back at home, Sylvia changed into a sports suit and packed some clothes. When Henry finished cooking the soup, she rushed to the hospital with him.

In the hospital, Sylvia saw Milan lying on the bed with a pale face, and tears immediately flowed out of her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Looking at Sylvia's tearful face, Milan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Sylvia scolded, "You bast*rd, why didn't you tell me about such a big thing? If Henry had not told me, were you going to hide it from me all the time?"

Milan smiled slightly. "If Henry did not know about it, I would have died secretly. How could you have the chance to scold me here? After all, if it were not for Henry today, I would have died. The doctor just told me that the difficulty of the surgery was extremely high, and no one in the whole hospital had the confidence to do it. Sylvia, you really hit a jackpot."

Sylvia blushed when she heard what Milan said. Subconsciously, she glanced at Henry next to her. Henry was sitting there, carefully cutting an apple.

Henry cooked the dinner for them. As for Henry’s cooking, Milan could not stop praising.

"Henry, why don't you teach me how to cook when I'm fully recovered?" Milan looked at chicken soup at the bottom of the dinner box.

"Okay, by the way, where is your friend Nico?"

"I was also afraid that she would find out about this, so I tricked her into going on a trip. This girl will come back in a few days. Most likely, she’ll scold me as well." Milan shacked her head.

"You deserve it!" Sylvia stretched out a finger and pointed it hard on Milan's head. "You should have informed us about this earlier. When you get better, I'll punish you!"

"Tsk!" Milan rolled her eyes. "When I'm recovered, it's hard to tell which one of us will be the winner."

They have been talking for a long time. By the time they finished, it was already dark outside.

"Okay, Sylvia, go back with Henry. Don't stay here tonight." Milan said after seeing the time.

"How can I?" Sylvia shook her head. "I have to stay and take care of you tonight."

"Let's go and leave her alone." Henry said, "Milan is now a little weak. The most important thing is to have a good rest. We are here and will affect her. Tomorrow, I will take care of her. You don't have to worry about it."

After hearing Henry's words, Sylvia had to give up the idea of spending the night with Milan. After all, Henry was a professional in this field. She packed up her things and said, "Well, Milan, I'll come to see you tomorrow. Have a good rest and call us if you need anything."


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