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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 179

There was an old saying from ancient China: Talented beauties are usually from Jiangnan.

Although Sylvia was not from Jiangnan, she studied in Jiangnan. At that time, she liked to play the zither, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Otherwise, she would not have told Milan that when she grew up, she would find a person who had the same interest as her.

Today, Sylvia was chatting with Henry casually. She found that Henry was very familiar with what she liked.

They talked about zither. He knew everything about it.

When they talked about drawing, he would be even more impressive.

When talking about Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables, he was able to recite the sentences skillfully.

When they talked about chess, Henry could find a way to win the game in the shortest time possible.

All these made Sylvia more and more surprised. It was very difficult to find a partner with so many common topics.

Along the way, the two of them chatted happily.

Walking home from the hospital, the nearest way was to cross the Youth Park. There were still a lot of people coming to the park a few years ago. But with the development of recent years, an amusement park was built in the south of the city. Since then, more and more people liked to go there. This Youth Park gradually became the place where old people practised Tai Chi in the morning and old ladies danced at night.

It was true that less people come to this park, but the scenery was still picturesque.

Even if it was dark, the bright flowers and grass in the parterre could still be seen clearly.

Henry and Sylvia walked there. Suddenly, a cry for help came from the lotus pond in the Youth Park, which was particularly obvious at night.

Henry and Sylvia heard clearly that it was a lady calling for help.

"What's going on?" Henry looked in the direction of the lotus pond, there were two black shadows, and the sound came from there.

"Help! Help!" The lady's voice sounded helpless.

"Let’s have a look." Henry grabbed Sylvia's arm and ran in that direction. In the near distance, under the moonlight, one could see that a man was hitting a lady on the ground. The man's hand was tightly holding her throat so that she could not make a sound.

Her face turned red. She stretched out her hand in the direction of Henry and Sylvia and asked for help.

The man who was hurting her also saw Henry and Sylvia. He sneered and said, "Boy, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, or I'll play with the girl beside you!"

Henry looked at the man. Now the criminal has yet to do anything. The lady under him was decently dressed, but there were some bruises on her face. She must have been beaten by this man.

"Get lost," Henry said coldly.

"Dude, are you fu*king threatening me?" The man loosened his grip on the lady's hand and touched her back. Then he took out a bright dagger and asked, "Why don't you threaten me again?"

"Get lost!"

"D*mn you!" The man waved his dagger and stabbed toward Henry.

Facing this man, Henry didn't even raise his eyes. His body slightly twisted, and he dodged the other side's dagger. At the same time, he kicked the man in the chest, and the man fell to the ground.

The man was like a ripe shrimp, bending his body with a painful face.

Just when Henry wanted to add another kick to make the scum unable to take care of himself for the rest of his life, a bright light shone on Henry's face.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! Kneel down!"


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