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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 180

As soon as Lawyer Hu's voice fell, another person walked into the police station before the policeman on duty replied.

"You want to see him? No, no, no!"

Sylvia and Lawyer Hu turned their heads and saw a middle-aged man dressed in the same lawyer's clothes coming in. "My client is still in the hospital. The result of the examination has come out. He is a second-level disabled."

"Hehe, Lawyer Wong, it's a shame that you're a lawyer." Lawyer Hu looked at the middle-aged man who had just appeared.

This Lawyer Wong, who was also well-known in the Yinzhou's lawyer circle, was specially involved in the lawsuit for rich people and the ability to turn the fact upside down.

"Hu, I'm not here to talk nonsense with you." Lawyer Wong sat down in his seat. "I think it's better for us to talk about the compensation first."

"Compensation? My husband was set up!" Sylvia reached out and hit the table with anger on her face.

Lawyer Wong smiled and said, "Set up? Lady, where is the evidence?"

"The evidence is here!" Sylvia took out her mobile phone and played a video. This video was recorded by her just now. The scene on the video was from the lotus pond in Youth Park, but Sylvia did not record the scene of the man beating the woman. In the video, only the man stabbed toward Henry with a dagger, but Henry avoided the attack and kicked him.

Seeing this video, Lawyer Wong's face was calm. "Lady, this is the evidence you said. What does it mean? Does it mean how heavy your husband's kick on my victim is?"

Sylvia gritted her teeth and said, "My husband acted in self-defence!"

"Self-defence? Was self-defence?" Lawyer Wong looked puzzled. "Lady you should see clearly that in the video, my client didn't do any harm to your husband, but your husband beat him. How can this be self-defence? It's intentional hurting!"

"You!" Sylvia pointed at Lawyer Wong and was too angry to speak.

" President Lin." Lawyer Hu said. He realized that this problem was tricky and said, "You can't deal with it tonight. You give me some time. We'll discuss it later. Calm down first."

"I don't have time!" Sylvia roared, sweeping away her usual calm appearance. "My husband has been taken away by slander. How can I calm down? I'll just ask you one question. Do you have the right to take him away from the police?"

"What's wrong? Why is it so loud here?" Helen Han, who was reading files in the criminal investigation office, heard the voice from the duty room and came over to ask.

When she saw that it was Sylvia, Helen was stunned, and her expression was a little unnatural.

When the policeman on duty saw Helen, he acted as if he had seen his saviour. "Captain Han, you can take care of this matter. This lady said that her husband was framed and was taken away by the army."

He was taken away!

Helen was shocked. Sylvia's husband was Henry. How could he be taken away by the army?

Helen frowned and said, "Ms. Lin, could you please come to my office and tell me what happened?"

Sylvia was not surprised that Helen recognized her. When she was attacked in the car last time, it was she who handled it and she also made a record.

In Helen's office, Sylvia told her everything that had just happened.


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