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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 21

Henry didn't care about this and went to sit down beside Sylvia.

The fierce quarrel just now caused a strange silence in the living room because of Henry's sudden arrival.

Sylvia sat on the sofa, took a cup of hot tea, and drank slowly.

The rest of them looked at each other. About a minute later, Sylvia's aunt spoke first.

"Some people really think of themselves as the master of this family? Don't they know who they are? Seeing us here, don't you know you should serve us tea?"

"That's right." Richard, the son of Sylvia's eldest aunt, also said, "You can't see clearly. It seems that someone's family education is not very good."

"Why are you still standing there? Don't you know how to make tea?" Sylvia's aunt said to Henry with contempt.

"Why?" Sylvia slowly put down the teacup and said in a displeased voice, "Henry is my husband and the part of this family. You are guests. Why should you tell him what to do?"

Henry sat on the sofa as if he didn't hear the sarcasm of Sylvia's relatives. His face was calm.

Watching Henry sitting there unmoved, Sylvia's relatives were very unhappy, and their eyes were full of anger.

Richard roared directly, "This is the time to talk about family affairs. Get lost!"

Richard said without reservation. He was in a bad mood today. His cousin played a trick on him. In the distribution of inheritance, there were a lot of things he lost. When he was suppressing his anger, this brother-in-law came to him himself!

"You're just nobody. I don't know how many lifetimes you've cultivated to be so lucky to become part of the Lin family!" Sylvia's eldest aunt was also full of anger and vented her anger on Zhang Xuhui.

Henry frowned slightly and then smiled slightly. If these people in front of him were not Sylvia's relatives, he could guarantee that these people were dead. Now, for the sake of Sylvia, he could bear it. As long as it had something to do with her, he could give in.

"Oh, the Lin family? Do you treat yourself as a member of the Lin family at this time?" Sylvia showed a mocking smile. "Richard and Channing, you two have no business in the company. Do you think I don't know what you are doing every day? You take the public funds as your own, and you have already spent tens of millions of dollars. Do you know how much damage you have caused to the company? Now you call yourself a member of the Lin family? Why haven't I seen you do anything for the Lin family?"

Sylvia pointed at her two cousins and counted their evil deeds.

"Shut up!" Sylvia's aunt made a sharp voice to the interrupter and shouted, "Since you're talking about Lin's family, I'll tell you. Go to your dead mother's grave and ask if you have the blood of the Lin family! Ah!"

Her words made Sylvia's expression suddenly freeze and she became dull. "What did you say?"

"Haha, what did I say?" Her aunt sneered. "Then I'll ask you this coward father. When your mother was cheating, what did he do?"

"Sister!" Nelson, who had not spoken for a long time, finally said, "Enough! This matter has nothing to do with the child!"

"Dad, what the hell is going on?" Sylvia looked at Nelson.


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