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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 22

"Good! Good! Nelson, very good. Together with two outsiders bully your own sister, don't you? Let's wait and see!" Richard's mother pulled him and said, "Let's go!"

Richard followed behind his mother, glared at Henry with hatred, and was ready to walk out of the door.

"Did I let you go?" Henry grabbed Richard's collar.

"Don't be insatiable!" Richard turned around, pointed at Henry, and just opened his mouth.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!" There were three crisp sounds.

As Henry promised, three slaps hit on Ricard's face. The speed was so fast that he didn't even have a chance to react. The last slap even knocked Richard to the ground with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Apologize." Henry still said the same word.

Henry walked to Richard, who was lying on the ground and crawling. At this moment, Richard only felt that the air around him became much colder. In this hot weather, he still got goosebumps all over his body.

"I!" Richard got up and was about to say something malicious, but when he saw Henry's raised arm and the muscles on his arm, he immediately swallowed the harsh words. "Yes, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you."

Richard's face, courage, and arrogance were completely destroyed by Henry's slaps!

Four clear and crisp sounds rang out in succession. Richard, who had just climbed up, was beaten to the ground again. Two backward teeth full of blood were spat out by him, which was enough to prove how heavy Henry's palm was.

Henry was still frustrated by his thumbs. He said in a light tone, "Do not apologize to me, but to my wife."

Richard stayed on the ground and begged Sylvia, "Sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Don't be so mean. If you say something rude to my wife again, I will beat you to death, really." Henry took a deep look at Richard.

At this moment, Richard felt as if he was being stared at by a fierce beast. Just for a moment, cold sweat wet his back. He was really scared.

"Well, you people continue to talk." Henry clapped his hands and sat back on the sofa. "Just to clarify, you can insult me. If you dare to say something to my wife, I will beat you to death. That's all."

After that, Henry poured tea for Sylvia and handed it carefully to her. He said gently, "Be careful and drink slowly."

Looking at the teacup handed by Henry, Sylvia gradually looked up and saw his face. The rough pores proved that the man in front of her had not done any good maintenance. The wind and frost left a mark on his face.

After being stunned for more than ten seconds, Sylvia took the cup and whispered to Henry, "Thank you."

This was the first time she said thank you to Henry, from the bottom of her heart.

Henry smiled. "You said I'm the head of this family. Isn't it what I should do to protect you?"

Nelson, who was standing aside, looked at Henry with approval and said, "Sylvia, have a good rest with Henry. I'll explain something to you another day!"

After Nelson finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the house, ignoring the others.


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