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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 23

"In fact, if you are really tired, you can choose to let go." Henry felt the exhaustion in the woman's words and also felt distressed.

"Let go? It's not that simple." Sylvia laughed. "If everyone is devoted to the Lin family, the position of president would not be so important. However, those who have ideas only care about the money of the company. They don't care about the life and death of the Lin family. If the Lin family falls into their hands, everything will come to the end. Now almost everyone in the entire Yinzhou City wants me to leave this position. In this way, they will have a chance. Do you know, the Lin family is about to be finished. Grandpa has announced. The Lins will be completely divided in three months."

Henry was silent and said nothing. This was the first time that Sylvia spoke to him from her heart, but Henry felt so helpless.

"Phew!" Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief. "Forget it, I've told you so much, and you won't understand. But I'm really much relieved. Henry, I have to say another thing to you, thank you."

Sylvia looked at Henry sincerely, and so did he.

Their eyes met.

"President Lin, don't worry. No matter what happens, I will always be with you."

"I hope so."

The downpour suddenly stopped, and the bright sunshine suddenly appeared. The heavy rain in summer gave people a feeling of time passing, as the haze just now was just a phase.

Sylvia drove Henry home. As soon as she entered the house, she saw Milan, who had gone out in the morning, running over happily.

"What makes you so happy?" Sylvia smiled.

"The concert, Sylvia, I made my friend get three tickets. It's the global tour performance of Rajiv. It's in Yinzhou this time! It's not easy for me to get three tickets!" Milan said as she took out three tickets and waved them in front of Sylvia.

"Oh my god! How did you get it? I remember that tickets had been sold out a few months ago!" Sylvia also showed a happy expression on her face. She liked painting and music very much. When she was in college, she often went to some entertainment shows and concerts.

"Hey hey, it's a secret!" Milan smiled at Sylvia. "What do you think? Are you interested in going to watch it together? Didn't you say that Henry is also good at music? He should be very interested in it."

"Him?" Sylvia glanced at Henry subconsciously and began to blame herself. She blamed herself for being so shameless. When she was in college, she always told Milan that she would find an artist who had the same interest as her in the future. Otherwise, she would not marry him even if she died. So made up a lie about him. She also said that her husband was good at painting, music, and other fields.

"Let's go, I also want to see it." Henry nodded, thinking, "I heard that Pajiv was a student of master Fadeev?"

Sylvia took a surprised look at Henry, who was winking at her and secretly making an OK gesture to her, which made Sylvia feel grateful again. She knew that he had agreed to her request, and she didn't know how much time he had to spend on learning the information behind her back.

The concert was tomorrow. Sylvia took Milan to Lins Group, and Henry also went out to visit Spring Residential Home.

Henry put on his flip-flops, got on the bus, and headed for the welfare home. He liked to sit on the bus to watch the city, the city where he used to live with his mother.


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