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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 44

Now, Richard was thinking about how to punish Chaning, who was disrespectful to him, and Sylvia as well. When he goes back this time, according to his relationship with Paul Cheng, Lins Group will belong to him. As for Henry, he would definitely kill him!

Paul gave the gift and left with a smile.

"Grandpa, I wish you a good day and a bright future. You're as lucky as the East China Sea and may you have a long life!" Simon stood up. He was the youngest grandson of the Cheng family. He was 21 years old today and was still in college. He looked childish.

Simon did not take out any particularly expensive gifts but sent a string of sandalwood bracelet.

"Grandpa, I'm studying at Du Hai. I met Master Hou by chance and took him as his teacher. This bracelet was personally polished by Master Hou and asked me to give it to you."

"Master Hou!"

"I didn't expect him to be Simon's teacher!"

The people in the room burst into an uproar when they heard the name.

Sam Hou, a famous antique expert in China, an honorary professor in seven well-known universities, had countless qualities.

Those who were interested in antiques were all rich people. Which one of them didn't want to invite Master Hou and become his student? What did that mean? Even an ordinary person with no power would directly fly to the branches and become a phoenix!

Paul, who had been smiling, glanced at Simon gloomily.

The onlookers could not help but secretly give a thumbs-up to Simon. He looked young and immature, but his means were superb. It was not so simple to be a student of Master Hou.

"Not bad." Old Master Cheng nodded, took the bracelet, and put it on his wrist. "Master Hou and I haven't seen each other for many years. Please tell him to contact me later. If he has time, let's get together."

"Okay, grandpa." Simon nodded and stepped aside.

Two of the Cheng Family's three direct descendants presented their gifts. One brought out wild ginsengs that could not be bought with money, while the other brought out the name of Master Hou and sent him a washed sandalwood bracelet. It could be said that the gifts they sent represented a certain social status. They could do this at such a young age. Although they were direct descendants of the Cheng Family, they could not be separated from their own abilities.

At this time, many people were guessing who Harry would choose. Most of them were still guessing Paul. At this moment, some people even smiled at Paul.

"Yo! The second grandson and the third grandson both congratulated to grandpa. Where's the oldest grandson? Why haven't we seen him at our own table?" Paul's mother spoke, and she pretended to look around the main house.

"Haha." Peter's laughter rang out. He stood up and said loudly, "If you meet an old friend, sit down and talk. I saw you show off, so I didn't get involved. Grandpa, happy birthday. Let me toast you. I'll drink first."

After that, Peter picked up the wine glass, raised his head, and finished it. He simply sat down, picked up the chopsticks as if there was no one else, and picked up the delicious food on the table.

Sylvia gave a wry smile. She knew too well what kind of person Peter was. She got up, picked up a small wooden box, and walked to Harry's table.

Nick Ning, who was sitting at the side table, looked at Sylvia with fiery eyes, without concealing the love in his eyes.


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