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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 45

"Brother, you don't need to kill anyone. I can help you to get chosen." Henry patted Peter on the shoulder.

"You?" Peter sized Henry up.

Unlike the other descendants of the Cheng family, Peter did not live under the blessings of his elders. He followed his father all the way and fought everywhere. The fact that he could easily say that he had killed his two brothers proved his knowledge and experience.

Peter found that he couldn't see through the man in front of him. Like himself, he was grinning cheekily. But Peter was sure that he was more ruthless than himself. When he just said that he wanted to kill his two brothers, everyone, even those poisonous creatures, would be surprised, or praise or say something else.

But this person did not say anything!

There were two possibilities. Either he thought he was joking, or he was used to this kind of thing.

Peter looked at Henry, who was also looking at Peter. At this moment, Peter was surprised to find that he actually felt fear in his heart.

Who on earth was he?

Peter asked himself. In just a few seconds, he had a feeling that he couldn't breathe.

"Brother, I'll help you get this position, the future leader of the Cheng family," Henry said again.

It was not until Henry spoke that Peter felt the oppressive breath that made it difficult for him to breathe, which made him let out a sigh of relief.

"Why would you help me?" Peter was confused.

"For my wife," Henry said his purpose straightforwardly. "When you take over the Cheng family, you must make it clear that you are on the same side as my wife. If anyone threatens my wife, I want you to do your best to eradicate him."

Peter lowered his head and said nothing. He was deep in thought.

"Think about it carefully. If you follow your own method, you can only gamble. If you win, you win. If you lose, you should know the result better than me. What do you think?" Henry picked up the bottle and poured the wine for Peter. Then he picked up another glass of wine and waited for Peter's answer.

Peter was silent for ten seconds. Ten seconds later, he looked up, picked up the glass on the table, and touched the glass in Henry's hand.

The glass made a crisp sound.

"Nice working with you." Peter smiled at Henry.

"Of course." Henry raised his head and drank the wine.

Richard's mother sat on the table with her arms crossed and her face full of dissatisfaction.

"Sylvia, you are representing the Lin family, so you just took something small for Mr. Cheng?"

Richard also snorted. "That's right. It's really a shame to our Lin family. I think you, the president of Lin's Group, should stop being a president. You can't do anything!"


With a crisp sound, the glass fell to the ground and smashed.

Henry looked at Richard with empty hands. Richard, who was originally aggressive, immediately dared not speak.

Chaning chuckled when he saw this scene.

Henry stood up and looked at Richard unhappily. "Who said that what we gave to Mr. Cheng? Open your dog eyes and look at it carefully!"


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