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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 46

At this time, Paul's heart was pounding violently. His mother was already trembling with excitement. From today on, her position in the Cheng family would be lower than one person, but higher than everyone else.

Simon's eyes were dim and dull.

As Paul's partner, Richard was also ecstatic. With Paul's help, his follow-up plan would be easily implemented. Lins Group was just a piece of cake!

Mr. Cheng heaved a sigh of relief and continued, "Paul, in my opinion, you went out to study during this period of time..."

As soon as Paul said the key point, he was interrupted by an accident. A small transparent plastic bag was thrown to the table in front of him.

This scene startled everyone present. Who dared to throw things in front of Mr. Cheng like this?

The three students of Mr. Cheng looked at the person who threw the thing.

"Happy birthday, it's a birthday present for you." Henry pouted his lips at the plastic bag.

At this moment, almost everyone in the main room widened their eyes and looked at Henry with incredible eyes. Who was this person? He was too bold!

"I say, Sylvia, you need to care for this guy. What is he doing?" Richard's mother patted the table and reprimanded him. Although her words were full of reprimand, there was joy in her eyes. "Henry, you are really a fool!"

"Younger generation, you are too rude, aren't you?" Will Ning looked at Henry with displeasure. "Are you from the Lin family?"

"Sylvia is my wife, and Peter is my brother. This bag of tea is prepared by my wife and Peter for you. Please take it." Henry pointed to the tea leaves on the table, and his tone was full of command.

"What a joke! What do you think you are? My grandfather said he would accept it?" Paul walked over and grabbed the transparent plastic bag on the table.

Nick Ning, who was sitting by the side, looked at them as if watching a show. A trace of haze flashed in his eyes, and a sneer hung from the corner of his mouth.

"You are so rude. If it weren't for your relationship with the Lin Family, you would have suffered a lot today. Take your things and get out of here!" Paul grabbed the transparent plastic bag in his hand and was ready to smash it on Henry's face.

"Hold on!" Harry Cheng, who had been very calm in his speech, suddenly exclaimed at this moment. He stared at the transparent bag with turbid eyes.

To be exact, he was staring at the tea leaves in the bag.

There were not many leaves in the bag, but they were clear and of the same size.

Each tea leaf was one centimeter long and half a centimeter wide. There were countless lines on the tea leaves, which were like the meridians of the human body. They were in a mess but attracted people's attention.

He carefully sized up the teabag. Suddenly, his eyes widened and his voice became louder unconsciously.

"This is... Golden melon tea root!"


His words made the three students beside him exclaim in disbelief.

Golden melon tea root!


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