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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 78

A group of security guards stared at Henry with wide eyes.

"Brother, you are..."

"Oh, I'm a new security guard." Henry took out his work card, which was written with the position of co-captain. "Next time you meet such a person, don't talk nonsense, just use electroshocks."

"This ..." a security guard looked at Henry, then looked at Richard's mother, who had fainted on the ground and spit out white foam. "Brother, you may be in trouble."

"Brother, how can we be afraid? If we are all afraid, who should we give the security of this building to?" Henry stretched out his hand to pat the security guard on the shoulder and said in a teaching tone.

"But buddy, she is President Lin's aunt!"

"Aunt?" Henry raised his eyebrows. "No matter who she is, anyone who dares to make trouble here will be served by an electric baton! Go and handcuff her in the security room, and then let the police deal with her."

Henry put the electric baton on the belt, with his hands behind his back, and walked to the side to patrol.

The rest of the security guards looked at each other.

"Let's go. The new co-captain has said. Let's do it."

"But this is Lin..."

"It doesn't matter who she is or what kind of person she is. It's none of our business. Someone is watching."

Several security guards grabbed Richard's mother and carried her to the security room.

Sylvia sat in the office on the top floor, looking down at the documents on the table and dealing with the business in her hand. After she took over as chairman of the board, what she had to do every day was much more than before.

Her secretary, Cathy Lee, knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in," Sylvia said without looking up.

Cathy opened the door and walked in. "President Lin," she said. "There's something I need to report to you."

"What's wrong?" Sylvia raised her head and stroked the hair in front of her forehead. She saw that Cathy didn't bring any folders, so she guessed that it should be a private issue.

"Just now, Ms. Debby Lin came to see you, but she was stopped downstairs by the security guards. A conflict broke out, and she was fainted by the new co-captain of the security guards."

At the same time Cathy was reporting, she was also admiring the co-captain of the security guards. Debby was President Lin's aunt. Did she got electroshocked?

Sylvia frowned and put down the document in her hand. "Let's go to the security room and let the new security guard come here by the way."

Henry happily strolled in the hall.

A girl at the front desk secretly looked at Henry up and down. Henry was wearing a security uniform, but his perfect figure made him look like a model. In addition, Henry's handsome appearance easily attracted the attention of those girls who had just come out of university.

"Beauty, although I know that I am very handsome, you should not look at me with such infatuated eyes." Henry leaned over the front desk and looked up and down at the beauty.

She was definitely a new graduate. Maybe she didn't even have a graduation. She just came to do an internship, and her whole body was full of a pure and pleasant temperament.

This beauty at the front desk was embarrassed by Henry's stare. She lowered her head with her ponytail behind her head jumped.

Henry's eyes swept across her name tag. "Amity Qiu, the name is so nice. How does your boyfriend call you?"


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