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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 79

Standing in the security room, Sylvia didn't know what to do.

The member of the Lin family was electroshocked by a security guard in her own company. No matter what the reason was, she had to deal with it carefully. Otherwise, she would become a laughing stock of others.

The personnel manager, Manager Chen, was standing next to Sylvia. He hired the security guard today, so Sylvia called him over.

Sylvia looked at Manager Chen and asked, "Where did you recruit him from?"

"That... he was specially introduced to me by Master Lin." Manager Chen gave a fawning smile. Now, he was in a panic.

Anyway, this person was recruited by him, and the position was also chosen through him. Now that this thing had happened, if she really wanted to investigate it, he would have to take the responsibility.

"My grandpa introduced him?" Sylvia frowned.

Since Robert couldn't get out of the house, it had been a long time since he had been in charge of the company's affairs. Now he introduced a person into the company. Who could it be?

While guessing the identity of the other party, Sylvia also felt a wave of disgust in her heart. The most annoying for her was this kind of person.

At this moment, Henry came in. As soon as he saw Sylvia, Henry couldn't help but grin.

"President Lin, he's here," Cathy reported.

"Tell me, what happened here?" Sylvia looked at her aunt, who was unconscious, and said without looking back.

"It was like this. She insulted us at that time and even..."

As soon as Henry spoke, Sylvia recognized his voice almost immediately. She turned her head and looked at Henry with wide eyes. "You?"

"Hey hey." Henry stretched out his hand and scratched his head. "Hello, President Lin. It's my first day at work. I met someone who came to make trouble, so I solve it directly."

At the sight of Henry, Sylvia immediately understood. She reached out and covered her forehead with her hand, her face full of helplessness.

Just now, Sylvia was still guessing that in this society, even if her aunt made a mistake, no one would be able to go against her. But Henry was definitely not among them.

At home, the scene of Henry making Richard look for his teeth all over the floor vaguely appeared in her brain.

When Manager Chen saw that Sylvia and Henry knew each other, he breathed a sigh of relief. Therefore, he could not be blamed.

"Secretary Lee, tell everyone not to circle around here. Tell them to go and do their work." Sylvia waved her hand.

Cathy nodded.

The people outside the security room dispersed under Cathy's order. Manager Chen also returned to his position.

After all the people left, Sylvia looked at Henry again and asked, "How did you think of looking for my grandfather and asking him to arrange for you to come to the company?"

"Because I want to see you every day," Henry said bluntly, grinning with his white teeth.

Sylvia's face froze for a moment, and then a smile appeared. "You're funny. Forget it. Come on. But don't be the captain of the security guards. In the end, you can't learn anything. I'll tell Manager Chen to arrange for you to the business department first. Recently, I'm free. I'll take you to get in touch with these things."

"Okay!" Henry replied happily.

Sylvia didn't say much to Henry. She turned around and walked out of the security room. Then she stopped and opened her mouth, but didn't say anything and left.


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