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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 81

Henry and the other two were respectively recorded by different police officers, and the killers were all dealt with by the police.

It was Helen who was taking notes for Henry.

"Captain Han, there are a total of five killers. Four of them have their hands and feet broken, and one of them is dead, whose neck has been pinched. There is no surveillance video on the scene, but according to the investigation, all of the five murderers have criminal records. Two of them are fugitives," a police officer reported.

"Okay, I know." Helen nodded. She didn't have to think about it. She knew that Henry was the one who broke the killer's neck.

Helen was a martial arts practitioner. She knew very well that it would take a lot of strength to break a person's neck. Normal people could not do that at all.

Helen made some notes hastily, and her eyes were fixed on Henry's right arm.

"How did you get hurt?"

"Alas, I was careless," Henry sighed. "It's a pity to fall over a ship in a ditch."

"Really?" the corner of Helen's mouth curved into a mocking smile. "Even if you fall over a boat, you won't fall over in such a small ditch. You wanted to protect your wife, didn't you?"

"Hehe." Henry gave a fawning smile. He didn't know how to explain.

"All right." Helen put away the record book with an unhappy face. "You take your wife back first. The police will call you at any time if there is anything. Moreover, if you encounter this kind of thing next time, don't kill people. Try not to kill people. It's not good for anyone if things get worse."

"Understood." Henry nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, let's call it a day!" Helen waved her hand, twisted her sexy waist, and returned to the police car.

The silver-gray Jetta was driving slowly on the way home.

"Henry, why do I feel that the policewoman is looking at you with a strange look?" Sylvia looked at Henry with a suspicious look.

"Really? I think you're wrong, hahaha." Henry said with a laugh.

Sylva looked at Henry doubtfully for a few seconds, then shook her head and did not choose to continue this topic. "Do you want to go to the hospital first? Such a deep wound may need stitches."

"I'm fine." Henry made a bow with his hands. "There is a first aid kit at home. I can do it myself. It's too troublesome to get stitches."

Seeing Henry's insistence, Sylvia didn't say anything. As a grown-up, he should know his own wounds.

This assassination incident was quickly passed to Nelson Lin. He immediately called to ask about Sylvia's safety.

When they got home, Sylvia changed into pajamas and went to the living room. She saw Henry sitting there alone, wrapping his arms with gauze, and the head of the gauze could only be bitten with his mouth.

"Let me do it." Sylvia sat down beside Henry, took over the gauze and bandaged Henry's wound.

She moved very slowly. It could be seen that this was her first time to do such a thing, so her movements were very clumsy.

Henry could smell the fragrance of the woman's hair. He looked at the woman who was dealing with his wound and felt her slender soft hands. At this moment, there was nothing else in Henry's eyes.

The blood gradually seeped into the gauze.

Sylvia clumsily wrapped a circle of gauze around his waist and frowned. "It's strange. Why can't the blood stop ... Ah!"

Sylvia suddenly exclaimed. She found that her left hand had been squeezing the wound on Henry's arm, and just because of that, she couldn't stop the blood.

Sylvia looked up and glanced at Henry. She thought Henry would show some pain or dissatisfaction, but what she saw was that the man was looking at her with a smile. His eyes were so clear without any dissatisfaction.

Such a scene made her heart, which had been quiet for a long time and had just relaxed, began to beat fast.

"For the sake of me, he did not hesitate to block that knife.


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