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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 82

"Didn't I tell you to have a good rest? Why are you still going to the company?" Sylvia opened the back door and took the initiative to sit next to Henry.

"It's boring to stay at home. It's better to go to the company. It's nice to see you occasionally," Henry smiled and patted the driver's seat. "Anna, let's go."

Anna smiled and looked at Henry through the rearview mirror, "Mr. Zhang, is it good for you to show off your affection?"

When he arrived at the company, Henry went to report in the business department first. He didn't make use of Sylvia's connection. Instead, he was like an intern. On the first day of work, he read the company's brochure and got familiar with the company's culture.

The business part of Lins Group was divided into several large sections. Henry's section mainly focused on negotiation and cooperation with some foreign companies. This section was newly established by Lins Group. Sylvia arranged Henry here for two reasons. One was that Henry could start learning from the most basic aspect, and the other was that he knew a little French.

Recently, Lins Group had reached a preliminary cooperation with a French enterprise. If this channel could be opened, Lins Group would complete a cross-step and turn itself into a multinational company from a local enterprise.

The salary of the employees of Lins Group was enviable in the entire Yinzhou city. Not to mention that the salary was paid on time every month, the subsidies were more than 20% of the salary of other companies. Even in the working environment, it was much better than that of many companies.

Each salesman would be equipped with a single computer and a desk.

Henry's position was assigned to a corner of the office. On the first day of work, he spent the whole morning reading the company's rules and regulations, as well as the business culture. Henry did not even look at the management laws and regulations. However, as for the business culture, he was very interested.

The Lins Group had a special staff restaurant for the staff's lunch.

After lunch, Secretary Lee went to Henry and told him that Sylvia was waiting for him in the parking lot.

When Henry arrived at the parking lot, he found Sylvia sitting in Anna's car.

"President Lin, are you looking for me?"

"Get in and I'll take you somewhere," Sylvia waved to Henry.

Henry sat in the back seat expertly. Then Sylvia handed him a paper document.

"Have a look. This is the project we're going to talk about. You can learn much later. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Henry nodded. He picked up the document and glanced at it. He roughly understood what project he would be waiting for.

In recent years, there had been a great development in Yinzhou. The government had also issued various welfare policies. The most eye-catching one was the medical industry. But there had been no news about this project. However, some time ago, the government released news that all the major companies would vote for cooperation to select a company to complete the medical project.

The medical project would be building a total of four hospitals in three districts and two counties in the city.

The profit of the medical industry was so great that even those who didn't do business at all could know, which was definitely a piece of fat meat. Everyone wanted to have a taste of it.

However, this round of bidding was not determined by reading the project document as usual, but by the provincial medical association.

Those who could make a name for themselves in the Ning Province Medical Association were all famous elders of medical skills, and they were very prestigious.

Today, Ning Province Medical Association would hold a meeting. In this meeting, not only were these elders of medical skills present, but also many new talents in the medical field. There was even a rumor that Mr. Lewis Yan, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, would also attend it.


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