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My Wife is a Herbalist Practitioner novel Chapter 10

Sylvie was sent to the countryside at the age of nine, she should not hold any expectations for the so-called father.

Martin was obsessed with medicine, loved vanity and face and wanted to carry forward The Shaw’s Medical.

Now he was most proud of Yanis, but let her, Sylvie came back from countryside and sleep with a man.

"Dad, Ok. I'll go tomorrow."

Her lovely and obedient tone let Martin’s tone soft, "Sylvie, your husband will die very soon. After you deal with Mr. Morris, I will find a good family for you."

"Thanks in advance." Sylvie hung up the phone.

After turning off the mobile phone, Sylvie in Kieran's arms closed eyes. In fact, she was sad, as if she was an orphan.

She wanted to be like a normal child, loved by their parents, have a simple and safe life, but this for her was simply extravagant hope.

She had no home.

She was just a wild child who had no parents.

Perhaps feeling cold, Sylvie curled up in Kieran's arms. His arm was strong and warm, which was a shelter to her.

Her head rested on his heart, and his strong heart beat made her feel safe.

Sylvie thought she would be insomnia, but in the arms of this man she slept until dawn.


Kieran slowly opened his eyes, and now it was the morning of the next day. The bright dawn came in through the layers of window curtains, sprinkling countless spots.

Kieran woke up bleary and was in a moment of loss.

For many years, he had not slept to the early morning.

Kieran closed his eyes and tried to hug the girl in his arms.

He knew that she slept all night in his arms, because his arms had her residual warmth and body smell.

However, there was nothing. Sylvie was not there.

Kieran suddenly got up.

At this moment, the study door was pushed open, and Joshua, the butler, came in with a happy face, "Young Master, are you awake? Young Mistress told me not to disturb you and let you sleep more. It has been many years since you woke up naturally. She managed to do it even Mr. Rupert could not do it.”

Joshua thought it was incredible. He knew his Young Master's physical condition best. He was very worried after Young Mistress went in the room, but Young Master even held Young Mistress to sleep all night.

Kieran looked outside the door, "Where is Young Mistress?"

"Young Mistress said she would go out and come back in the evening."

"Did she say where?"


"Got it."


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