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My Wife is a Herbalist Practitioner novel Chapter 13


Josie screamed and hit Mr. Morris, "Mr. Morris, let go of me. I am not Sylvie!"

Mr. Morris seemed to lose his mind and kept pulling Josie's clothes, "Little beauty, don't struggle, the more you struggle, the more excited I am. Ha ha ha."

"Let me go! Help, help!" Josie shouted.

Then the door of the room burst opened and a group of uniformed police officers rushed in. "We got a call that you are trading pornography here and now we are taking you back to investigate!"

The police subdued Mr. Morris.

Josie who was in shock quickly arranged her clothes, "We are not. We do not go to the police station!"

"Please cooperate with the investigation!"


Josie had no idea what was happening. She was forcibly handcuffed by the police. When she passed by the bar lobby, everyone surrounded her.

Josie was a film queen when she was young, and later retreated from the entertainment circle after getting married Martin, but she was still praised by her excellent acting skills.

Soon someone recognized her.

-- Look, that woman is the actress Josie!

-- God, what happened to Josie. Why the police take her?

-- I heard she was caught having sex with a mall owner, and the fat man in front of her is her lover.

-- Get out your phone and take a picture, this news is crazy!

Josie had spent a lot of money on public relations over the years to maintain her reputation, but now when she was caught for pornographic trading, and the people around her even took photos with their mobile phones, she immediately broke down and screamed, "Don't take pictures! Stop it, all of you!"


At this time, Martin was having dinner with several men in a six-star hotel. The several men laughed, "Mr. Shaw, why didn’t your wife come out?"

Josie worked in entertainment circle when she was young. She knew many people. After she got married with Martin, she often participated in parties and achieved many investment in the Shaw’s Medical.

Martin smiled, "Today my wife has something to deal with, so she is not here."

The other men said, "Mr. Shaw, the movie queen has been willing to help you with the business and she is royal to you. We are envious!"

Martin loved vanity and face. By being praised, he showed a bright smile.

At this time the mobile phone rang.

-- Mr. Shaw, is it your wife? Don't go, let us all listen to it and you can prove your innocence.

Martin was in a good mood, so after he connected the phone, he pressed the hands-free key, "Hello."

The voice hit all people's ears, "Hello, is it Martin Shaw? Your wife Josie has been arrested in the hotel room suspecting of sex trade, please take a lawyer to do procedures."

Martin froze.

At this time several men had taken out their mobile phone and found it had been a piece of hot news on the internet.

In the photo, Josie's clothes were disheveled and she was roaring in breakdown, while Mr. Morris in front of her was not even wearing a top.

People were leaving messages.


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