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My Wife is a Herbalist Practitioner novel Chapter 25

Brian came with a number of bodyguards in black. He looked at Sylvie, " Sylvie, where do you want to take Mila?"

Sylvie stopped her pace, "Brian, did you know I would come?"

"Sylvie, I really don't know how you find Mila here, but we grew up together, so I know you. You are smart, I have to keep my eyes on you, so took people waiting here for you. You really didn't let me down."

Sylvie looked at Brian, "Mila just vomited blood. Although I used a needle, she needed to be sent to the hospital. We talk later, OK?"

Sylvie’s beautiful eyes were bright, with intelligence in it. Brian shook his head, "Sylvie, I don't know what idea in your mind. I can ask someone to send Mila to the hospital, but you have to stay to finish our deal.

Sylvie twisted her eyebrow. Obviously, she did not have a room to say no now.

Two men in black came forward to take Mila into the car. Brian held Sylvie’s arm and dragged her to the house.

After closing the door, Brian directly pushed Sylvie on the bed.

Sylvie wanted to get up, but Brian pressed her two restless wrists to the top of her head, and then reached out to unbutton her clothes.

Sylvie closed her eyes and endured not to make a voice or resist, "Brian, I can't escape. You let me go first, you hurt me."

The girl asked for mercy and her sweet voice became soft. Brian let go of her and began to take off his coat. "Don't play tricks with me. I don't want to hurt you."

Sylvie raised her hands to help him take off his clothes.

There was scarlet around the corners of Brian's eyes. In his mind, the girl was his bride and belonged to him.

In recent years, he had dated many girlfriends, including Daisy, but when he was in frenzy, he thought of her.

Brian reached out and lifted the veil from her face.

At the moment when his hand was about to touch the veil, Sylvie’s eyes became cold and her silver needle in her hand pierced the back of Brian's neck.

But Brian grabbed her hand. "I know you too well, Sylvie. Can you fool me with your little antics?"

Sylvie sneered, "Oh, really?"

The next second she bent her knee and hit hard into Brian's pants.

Brian gave a groan of pain and cold sweat.

Sylvie pushed him away forcibly and ran away.

Brian's handsome face had become dark and ferocious. He hated her cheating and betraying him most. He strode and pulled Sylvie into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her face, "Don't provoke me, Sylvie! I have said you are mine, your heart, your body, all belong to me!"

Sylvie struggled to push and shove, avoiding his kiss. This man was not the Brian she knew. He had just come out from Daisy’s bed, and now he wanted to climb to her bed, which made her feel very nauseated.

"Brian, get away and don't touch me!"

At this time outside suddenly sounded a strange voice, and then the door of the house was kicked open.

The great sound was accompanied by a soul-stirring rage. The cold wind outside instantly blew in. A deep magnetic voice was heard, "Take away your dirty hands, let her go.”

Sylvie lifted her eyes and saw a tall figure at the door. Kieran was here.

Kieran just came back. He dressed in a formal suit, white shirt and tie. The well-fitted black suit and the black overcoat made her look elegant and noble with a high spirit over his body.


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