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My Wife is a Herbalist Practitioner novel Chapter 30

Sylvie was worried about Kieran, so she quickly lifted the quilt and got up. After looking for him in the big room, she failed to find him.

Had he gone out?

"Kieran... Kieran... Ah ...!"

The door to the bathroom was suddenly opened, and a large, knotted hand reached out, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside.

Her back was against the door. Sylvie looked at him. It was Kieran.

Kieran took several cold showers, wearing black shirt and trousers. His short and wet hair was dripping of water.

The man with the mist looked particularly young and handsome.

"Looking for me?” Kieran's voice was hoarse.

Sylvie raised her hand to touch his forehead. It was hotter than before. She did not where the old lady got the drug, it was very strong.

"Let me give you a shot." Sylvie had a silver needle in hand and wanted to stab into his body.

Kieran held her fine wrist, and then buried his handsome face in her neck, rubbed against it, "Sylvie, I am very uncomfortable.”

Sylvie’s heartbeat instantly became disorderly. She did not expect such a strong domineering man would be so sticky.

"Sylvie, I have had several cold showers, but it didn’t work. I was alone here, but why did you come out looking for me?"

His hoarse voice fell in her ear. Sylvie felt her heart as soft as a pool of water.

“I… I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll go out now."

Kieran stopped her. "You always flirt with me and then leave. Now that you've come here, do you think you can leave?"

He raised his hand, with his fingertips resting on her nightgown, and began to unbutton it.

Sylvie’s pupils contracted. She instantly held his big hand. She thought of the call when he was in his business trip. A woman answered it. She was his mistress.

What was she to him?

Was she one of his mistress?

Sylvie felt as if a basin of cold water rushed down. She withdrew her hands, "Kieran, if you really feel uncomfortable, go to find another woman."

Kieran's tall and upright body stiffened directly.

He slowly raised his head, mercilessly stared at her with his red and cold eyes, "What did you say? Say it again!"

Sylvie felt he was very horrible at the moment, but she did not flinch, "Kieran, you refused me to give you a needle because you want a woman. Since your mind is full of sex, then you go out to find another woman!"

Great anger quickly filled his entire chest. Kieran's eyes become haze. How dare she let him go out to find another woman!

Kieran clenched his fist, and his joints made a sound.

The next second, he punched over.

When the fist hit over, Sylvie did not avoid, but instinctively she closed eyes.

Kieran's fist hit the glass mirror.

He didn't hurt her.

When Sylvie opened her eyes, she saw his fist was cut by the glass shards, and blood flowed down.

It was shocking to watch.

"Kieran, your hand..."


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