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My Wife is a Herbalist Practitioner novel Chapter 38

In another presidential suite, Kieran took a cold shower and emerged wearing a black silk pajama.

Rowan gave him a glass of red wine, "Supposedly Sylvie cannot serve you in bed tonight. What she did to make you happy?"

Kieran took a sip of red wine. "Am I obviously happy?"

Rowan leaned on the counter and also sipped a mouthful of red wine. "Sure."

Kieran curled his lips. He admitted that he was in a good mood. Sylvie was jealous because of a phone call, so he was happy.

The doorbell rang.

Someone knocked at the door.

It was Freddie.

Freddie came here as soon as he received the call. Now he watched Kieran's face carefully. "President, what did you call me here for?"

Kieran sat on the sofa, "Freddie, Robyn answered my phone. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Freddie then knew that his president asked him to be here about that. It was just a phone call, so he did not put it in heart.

"President, what is the problem with this matter? What trade secrets did Robyn eavesdrop on?" Freddie looked very frightened.

Rowan sat down on the other side of the sofa and took a look at Kieran, "Come on, you scared Freddie. It is just a phone call, and there are no commercial secrets. That night, your President’s wife made the call, she misunderstood and got jealous, so she had quarrel with your President for two days. See, your President lives in the bar now."


Freddie was dumbfounded. In his impression, his president was handsome, mature and powerful, and should not be hen-pecked, right?

The bell rang again.

Someone was coming.

Freddie went quickly to open the door. It was Robyn.

Speak of the devil and he appears.

"Robyn, why are you here?"

Robyn, as public relations director, had been dealing with men, so naturally she was beautiful and charming. With wavy long hair, she was wearing a red dress which wrapped her body tightly, which made a man cannot refuse her.

Robyn holding a thermos cup showed a charming smile, "Freddie, I heard that the president has been playing cards all night in the bar these two days, so I personally cooked some soup for him. I hope you can give it to him."

Freddie's forehead broke out in a cold sweat. "Robyn, I dare not make my own decisions about the president. I will go in and ask the president now."

Freddie closed the door of the room and turned back. "President, Robyn came and said she cooked some soup for you personally."

Rowan curled his lips, "It is said that woman's sixth sense is the most accurate, it seems that Sylvie has the reason to be jealous."

Robyn brought soup to Kieran at night. Knowing that Kieran was in a bad mood these two days, and his wife was angry, at this time she was gentle and nice to him, so that she could take the change to steal the man.

It seemed that the PR director, Robyn, had been thinking about Kieran for a long time.

Kieran had never lacked a woman. Many women threw themselves into his arms. He could see through Robyn’s little tricks. He was calm and said in a cold voice, "Ask her to leave."

"Yes, President."

"Wait a minute." Kieran suddenly changed his mind. "Take the soup and ask her to leave."

"Yes, President."


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