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My Wife is a Herbalist Practitioner novel Chapter 5

Kieran had smelled all kinds of perfumes on women, and the artificial flavor disgusted him.

But this girl smelled so good.

Kieran untied seat belt and whispered, "What perfume are you wearing?"


Sylvie shook her head, "I am not wearing perfume."

"Then why do you smell so good..."

Kieran looked up, but the next second he was stunned, because between the eyes, he gently met Sylvie’s red lips.

Across the veil, the two kissed.

Sylvie was stunned, this was her first kiss!

Soon, Kieran stepped back. His glanced at her red lips behind the veil, and his throat was rolling. "I'm sorry, or I can let you kiss me back."

Sylvie looked at him, "I think I should have slapped you."

Kieran showed a smile and burst into magnetic and pleasant laughter.

Sylvie pulled open the car door, "I will go in first."

"My name is Kieran Lowe."

Sylvie didn’t care about his name, and she just wanted to see her grandpa.

"I see, Mr. Kieran. Goodbye." Sylvie stood outside the car and waved to him.

Today, Sylvie wore a red sweater. When she waved, the sweater went up, revealing her waist. Kieran wondered her waist was big enough for him to hold?

"I will have a meeting, so I'll pick you up later."

"No need."

Sylvie refused, but the luxury car had galloped away.


The scene was caught by Daisy upstairs. She thought Sylvie hooked up with other man after her wedding.

Daisy looked at the luxury car, which was not that good, but the car's license plate...

Daisy had never seen that license plate, but she heard that license plate was powerful!

How could Sylvie hook up with the gigolo with such a license plate?

Daisy suspected that she was wrong. When she rubbed her eyes, the luxury car had left.

She must be wrong.

Daisy quickly ran downstairs and met Sylvie. She immediately laughed loudly, "Sylvie, who is the man who just sent you back. I didn’t expect you are lonely and hooked up with a gigolo!"


"Where is Grandpa? I want to see him." Sylvie directly went upstairs.

Upstairs in the room, Kasper Shaw was lying in bed. He had been in a coma for ten years and had been declared as a vegetable by the doctor.


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