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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 

Violet’s cheeks flushed slightly as the thought quickly crossed her mind. As a result, without waiting for her reaction, the arm around her loosened. Patrick smiled and said, Soyou’re not always so calm.” 

His tone carried a hint of subtle sarcasm, making Violet want to beat him up. Violet’s face stiffened immediately

She shot Patrick an annoyed glare

She had completely misunderstood his intention just now

In her embarrassment, she reached out to push Patrick away

However, she was abruptly pulled forward by him and collided with his chest. Violet’s nose instantly throbbed with pain, and her eyes welled up with tears. Patrick observed the redness in the corners of her eyes. His heart was strangely moved, and his throat tightened

He delicately reached out, ran his fingers through a handful of Violet’s hair, and asked softly, Do you ever feel like you’re a lot like a cat? Always ready to attack people due to tension.” 

Just this morning, he’d got a couple of hits on the back of his head and even hurt his jaw because of her

However, Violet didn’t catch Patrick’s meaning at all

Her cheeks reddened with indignation. Feeling she was being insulted, she retorted without thinking, Have you ever considered that you act like a dog?Patrick’s handsome face darkened instantly, realizing what it felt like to be misunderstood

He turned away, returning to his seat with a cold expression, and curtly stated, Get out.” 

Violet pursed her l*ps and muttered under her breath, You started it.” 

Patrick’s forehead veins bulged as he retorted, Are you waiting for me to take you out personally?” 

Violet’s mouth tightened into a thin line. She couldn’t help but think that he was really a temperamental person

Nelson was just about to knock on the door when he saw Violet open it and step outside

He quickly nodded in greeting, Miss Webb.” 

Violet responded with a nod and walked away

Nelson turned his attention to Patrick, who was seated behind his desk, and 

reported, Mr. Hersey, everything’s ready.” 

Patrick browsed the internet, still feeling frustrated when he thought of what had just happened between him and Violet

Nevertheless, he calmly declared, The counterattack can commence 

It was three o’clock in the afternoon

Russell Fraley, the president of Oceanen Jewelry, took it upon himself to expose his new wife, Veronica, for who she truly had done

He uploaded a video online with the caption, Divorce is acceptable, but I’m going to reveal your true face.” 

This single video skyrocketed to the top of trending topics within minutes with the hashtag, Veronica’s acting skills.” 

It soon caused a lot of people to make comments. A shocking twist! I knew there would be a sequel!” 

Don’t take sides until the truth comes out! Or you’ll take the wrong side. I knew it! Veronica’s attempt to commit suicide isn’t as simple as people said!” 

Veronica is really not simple. She’s ruthless, and she directed this whole drama herself. It blew my mind!” 

Funny, it turns out the second wristslitting is the real deal! Veronica should go to hell for playing with netizenssympathy!” 

That’s quite big news! The video of Veronica cutting herself with that knife is so scary! I never thought that she would be such a drastic person!” 

TskLook at her, she’s quite the actress. Maybe she should consider a career change to become an actress!” 

Comments flooded in. What made it even more intriguing was that netizens had made two emojis

One of the emojis was about the moment when Russell asked Veronica, What do you want?and Veronica bluntly replied, Money.” 

Her expression in the video was captured with the word moneyplastered on her face

Even more ironic was the second emoji. It depicted Veronica rolling her eyes as she said, Those idiots on the internet will believe anything I say.” 

Her eyerolling expression, accompanied by the caption those idiots on the internetoffended all the people who had sympathized with her earlier in the day

Netizens unleashed their fury on Veronica online, itching to catch her and her family and give them a good whipping

Veronica, upon seeing the trending topic, angrily called Russell, Russell, you bastard! You videotaped all this!” 

Little did she expect that despite her caution, Russell would resort to such tactics 

to deal with her

Russell sarcastically snorted. You’re quite the twofaced one, aren’t you? Why can’t I record and videotape? Don’t worry, the real bombshell hasn’t been dropped yet.” 

He finished the call and hung up

Immediately after that, Russell released several screenshots of WhatsApp chats from the two years he spent with Veronica

The screenshots provided compelling evidence of Veronica’s shameless interference in Violet and Russell’s relationship as a third party, even though she knew clearly that Violet and Russell were in love at that time

The chat logs encompassed various time periods from the past two years

If one opened any of the screenshots, one would notice a recurring pattern of chatting

Veronica sent a message. Russell, come to my room now.” 

Russell replied, Veronica, why don’t we forget about this today? Violet is in the next room!” 


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