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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 

The crowd fell silent immediately after Joanna’s words

With her cell phone in her hand, Violet returned to her seat with a blank expression

Joanna shot her a cold glance, let out a disdainful grunt, and rose to leave

As soon as Joanna departed, the people resumed their conversations. When the cat is away, the mice will play.” 

Yeah, ever since Gloria left, someone seems to think she’s the top dog in the Design Department.” 

I wonder when Mr. Brown will return. Otherwise, we’ll still have to contend with someone’s attitudes when we speak.” 

Violet absentmindedly doodled on the design with an expressionless face

She knew that no matter who it was, these people would gossip behind their backs

However, she was intrigued by Mr. Brown, whom they mentioned as the Director of the Design Department, a reputedly capable individual who had recently gone on a business trip

On the top floor, in the CEO’s office… 

Patrick’s cell phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID, which read Gloria Tyler.After a moment of hesitation, he answered

Patrick, what are you up to?Gloria asked him with a tone of dissatisfaction

Impatience flashed across Patrick’s eyes as he responded, What’s the matter now?Gloria’s voice trembled with a sobbing tone as she said, You didn’t help me like this before. Do you really love her?” 

She had received a call from Joanna and learned about what was happening. She was on the brink of losing her composure, unable to believe that in just a few days, everything had changed

Patrick frowned. Back then, online media wasn’t as influential as it is today.Gloria couldn’t help but raise her voice. But it’s different. I’ve been your girlfriend for six years, and she only has a marriage license with you.” 

Patrick’s expression soured. As you said, we have a marriage license.” 

Gloria’s voice instantly took on a sorrowful tone. Patrick, I love you so much. How could you do this to me?” 

Patrick remained expressionless. You were the one who suggested getting a marriage license with me. You were the one who stood me up, and you were the one planning to leave, Gloria. No one forced you into this.” 

That’s because I don’t believe you love me at all. I just wanted to prove that you do, but it seems you don’t care about me at all. Can’t you see that?Gloria cried in despair

Patrick’s tone turned colder. So, you repeatedly test my love for you by standing me up again and again? Gloria, your behavior is quite immature.” 

Gloria was anxious because she felt a growing distance between herself and Patrick

She was desperate to get everything back on track. She no longer wanted to pursue her career, nor did she want to ascertain if Patrick loved her or not. All she desired was to return to Patrick’s side. Patrick, I’ll come back right now. You divorce that woman, okay? Your family doesn’t even know about your marriage. Just divorce her, and we’ll pretend that none of this ever happened, okay?” 

Patrick coldly refused, saying, That’s only your own wishful thinking.” 

Indeed, he had married Violet, and only Gloria and the Webb family were aware of it. Every time Gloria stood him up, she would have someone secretly observe him at the City Hall entrance, and he was well aware of that

As for his family and the Tyler family, they believed Gloria was abroad, and they didn’t have a marriage license. They were unaware that he had obtained the marriage license with someone else

Gloria was on the brink of a breakdown. She hysterically questioned, Patrick, are you truly in love with her?” 

Patrick looked displeased and promptly hung up the phone

As soon as he put down the phone, it rang again

Patrick’s face grew even darker. He didn’t even bother to check the caller ID before impatiently asking, Are you done?” 

The voice on the other end of the line sounded confused. TskWho’s got you so annoyed again? You’re in such a foul mood.” 

Patrick froze and glanced at the incoming caller, realizing it was Robert calling. He and Robert were close friends who had studied abroad together during their university years and returned home together. Their bond was strong


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