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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

Hearing Benedict’s words, Violet got to know everything clearly. However, she still felt a little sad in her heart

She said expressionlessly, No need for that. Everything ends here today.” 

She knew well that without Benedict, there would be someone else

Henry had plotted against her to have something on her to threaten her 


Patrick narrowed his eyes. He didn’t expect Violet to forgive Benedict so easily

Eleanor looked at Patrick and said with a smile, Patrick, see. Miss Webb has forgiven Benedict. Let go of the Turner family for my sake, okay?Patrick remained silent for a few seconds and said slowly, I’m not doing this for your sake. I’m doing this for Robert’s sake. I hope that the Turner family can behave themselves.” 

Eleanor immediately understood what Patrick meant. Patrick was close to Robert. And she was Robert’s cousin. While Benedict was her cousin, their relationship wasn’t that close

However, Patrick still forgave Benedict for Robert’s sake

She hurriedly nodded and asked Benedict to say something. Say thank you to Mr. Hersey. Hurry up.” 

Benedict hurriedly nodded. Thanks, Mr. Hersey, for being so generous to me. Thanks, Miss Webb, for forgiving me. I won’t dare to do this again.” 

Eleanor heaved a sigh of relief. Patrick still looked angry, but the problem was solved anyway

She looked at Patrick and said, Patrick, are you free tonight? Benedict and I want to invite you and Miss Webb to dinner tonight.” 

Patrick chased them away. No need. You can leave now.” 

Eleanor knew that Patrick was always decisive. She looked embarrassed as she nodded. Then she took Benedict away

Violet also wanted to leave, but Patrick said to her, You stay. I have something to say to you.” 

Violet looked at him with surprise and didn’t leave

Eleanor pursed her l*ps when she heard this. She looked at Patrick, who was expressionless and left with reluctance

As soon as Eleanor left, Patrick looked at Violet

He remembered that more than one person asked him whether he had fallen in love with Violet that day. Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but frown

He stared at Violet. He wondered whether she had also thought so

Patrick’s eyes flickered. He asked Violet calmly, Violet, I hope you didn’t misunderstand. Yes, I saved you yesterday, but all normal men would do that under such situations.” 

Violet froze. What exactly did he mean

Her expression changed silently. She nodded. No matter what, thanks for saving me last night, Mr. Hersey.” 

Patrick raised his eyebrows. She didn’t understand what he had meant. His eyes darkened. You work in my company, and your reputation is closely related to my company’s reputation. But this isn’t the only reason why I helped you twice. More importantly, I don’t like it when others trample on my stuff.” 

Violet restrained her emotions. She looked cautious and restrained. I understand. Thank you for helping me today, Mr. Hersey.” 

Patrick frowned. Why did he feel that she still didn’t fully understand his meaning

He continued, I married you because that was an ideal choice for me then. I didn’t like to be threatened by anyone with anything. Love isn’t necessary in my marriage. Love is useless to me. Occasionally, I tease you. But that’s only because you are interesting. I didn’t mean anything else. Do you understand?” 

If Gloria hadn’t put up a front again and again just because she was his girlfriend, maybe he would have married Gloria instead of Violet

Violet froze. Was he asking her not to fall in love with him

Was he afraid that she would pester him because they were married

Violet pulled her l*ps. Her heart sank

Indeed, she was grateful to him. But she wouldn’t pester him and insist on getting his heart because of this

She didn’t expect that he would warn her and ask her to behave herself so 


She said seriously, Mr. Hersey, I understand what you mean. You married me because that was an ideal choice for you then. I want your help, and I need your support. I won’t dare to love you. Relax. Mr. Hersey. I will never have any feelings for you.” 


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