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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38 

Violet’s expression changed. She had seen such scenes in the past three years more than once

She couldn’t help but ask, Are you sure? Did you have an illusion?” 

After all, Skyler had been missing for three years. If it were so easy to find him, Megan would have seen him a long time ago

Megan quickly shook her head and said with a serious expression, No! Definitely not! It’s him.” 

Seeing that her attitude was so firm, Megan said, Then let’s go into the bar and have a look.” 

In a Premium Suite of the bar

Robert looked at Patrick with a teasing smile. You really don’t like Violet? I think she’s beautiful.” 

Patrick frowned slightly. This was the third time today that someone had asked him about her

He was slightly unhappy. Have you seen her?” 

Robert said with a smile, On the Internet, of course. The picture wasn’t that clear. But according to my understanding of women over the past 20 years or more, she must be a beauty.” 

Patrick glanced at Robert coldly. He refused to answer this meaningless question

Robert leaned closer to Patrick. What can I say? Patrick, you really have no feelings for her? You spent a lot of effort on her. You first helped her retort Oceanen Jewelry and the organizer of the Starlight Jewelry Competition. Then you helped her deal with her troublesome sister. You even asked the lawyer team of Foreverie Jewelry to fight in a legal court for her. You were not like this before!” 

-Patrick was a little speechless at Robert’s words. After a while, he said

She has a gift. I like her design talent. I did all these things to help her deal with the problems she met so that she could focus on designing. I’m not like you, always attracted by a beautiful face.” 

Robert was unhappy to hear this. You can’t say this, Patrick. Those beautiful faces didn’t attract me. I admire beauty.” 

Patrick sneered and took a sip of the wine

Violet and Megan entered the hall of the bar. They didn’t know where to go and wandered around in the bar

Violet said, What about this, Megan? You go this way, and I will go that way. Then let’s check the private rooms. If you find Skyler, tell me. And if I find him, I will tell you, too.” 

Megan hurriedly nodded with a tense face

At the same time, in Patrick’s private room

Skyler pushed the door in and saw two people on the sofa. Mr. Hersey,” he said

Patrick raised his eyebrows to look at Skyler. You just got off a plane?Skyler shook his head. No, I returned home first. I came here from home since you wanted to see me. This is the result of my investigation. Please have a look.” 

Foreverie Jewelry dominated the jewelry market in Summerwood City. It no longer had any more room to develop further

For this reason, Patrick sent Skyler to other cities to investigate the jewelry markets there

Patrick fl*pped through the documents. Seeing that Skyler was still standing, he said, Have a seat. Let’s have a drink together later.” 

Skyler shook his head. No need for that, Mr. Hersey. I’ve just gotten off the plane. I’m tired. I don’t want to drink wine. I still have to go to work tomorrow.” 

Patrick froze for a while. Then go back and rest. If you are too tired, you can ask for a leave tomorrow.” 

Skyler nodded. Thank you, Mr. Hersey.” 

After Skyler left the private room, he went through the back door of Timeless Bár

Walking from the private room here and turning around at the corner of the corridor, the back door of Timeless Bar could be seen. Many old customers knew about it

Violet and Megan searched the whole hall but still didn’t find Skyler

Violet didn’t want to give Megan a blow. But she didn’t think there was much hope. Skyler completely disappeared back then. He cut ties with all his friends and classmates

Megan had been searching for him for three years. It was nearly 

impossible for her to meet him on the street

Megan was usually calm and reserved. But at that moment, she looked sad and anxious. Violet couldn’t bear to see this. What about this? Let’s check the private rooms. Knock on the door and be polite. If you don’t see him, say that you went to the wrong private room. Don’t offend anyone.” 

Megan’s eyes turned red. But she still nodded obediently


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