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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 6


Outside the door, Patrick answered the phone with a cold face. What’s up?” 

Patrick, don’t marry someone elsel Just wait for me, okay?Gloria’s voice revealed traces of crying from the moment she spoke

It’s too late!Patrick’s voice was icy and devoid of sympathy

Gloria seemed to be provoked and angrily shouted while crying, her voice trembling, Patrick, you will regret it! I will never come back to you for the rest of my life!” 

With a cold expression, Patrick’s demeanor became extremely sinister as he ended the call abruptly

Regret it, huh?he scoffed in his heart. I’ve never regretted anything in my entire life!” 

He turned around, swiftly opened the door, and walked toward Violet, who was lost in thought. He asked in a deep voice, “Are you ready?” 

Violet knew exactly what he was referring to. What had to happen would happen eventually. She nodded. Yes.” 

Patrick immediately scooped her up and headed toward the room with a kingsized bed covered in rose petals. He placed Violet on the bed, causing the rose petals to flutter in the air

Violet was extremely nervous. She was afraid of being looked down upon by Patrick, so she closed her eyes and bravely clung to him, refusing to let go

Originally, Patrick hadn’t intended to take things this far with Violet. His previous words were just a test for this woman. However, Gloria’s words had only strengthened his decision

After tonight, he wouldn’t give himself any reason to turn back

He lowered his head and k*ssed Violet’s earlobe, causing her to cling even tighter to him

When they were finally face to face, he suddenly felt something unusual about her b*dy

Suddenly, Violet, who was cuddling against his chest, tensed up, letting out a cry of pain

Patrick froze, his eyes flashing with a hint of curiosity, his gaze deep and inscrutable. He asked, You’ve never been with anyone else before?” 

Blushing, Violet tilted her head and remained silent. Then, she mumbled, her voice barely audible, No.” 

She had always insisted on getting married first to make it legal, and then consummating the wedding night. She had no idea that in Patrick’s mind, having 

a boyfriend meant there was no such thing as the first time

Patrick raised an eyebrow, completely forgetting about Gloria’s phone call. His voice carried a hint of satisfaction as he said, Then why didn’t you tell me earlier?” 

Violet’s face grew even redder. She mumbled, How could I take the initiative to tell you about something like this?” 

Patrick was momentarily surprised, and then his l*ps curled up coldly. What Violet said was true. In this kind of situation, there was no way to explain it to others

Anyway, in this situation, as long as he wasn’t a fool, he would know it

He stood up and sat upright, feeling quite pleased. Maybe you should take a shower first.” 

Violet was a bit surprised, her face blushing and her heart still pounding like crazy. Are wenot continuing?” 

Patrick turned around and looked at her calmly. It’s a beautiful moment, so I want to give you time to prepare properly. We shouldn’t rush it.” 

At that moment, he felt a hint of pity for her

Violet’s heart fluttered slightly, feeling strangely touched

The next morning, when Violet woke up, Patrick was already up. She washed her face and went out, only to see Patrick sitting in the living room, watching financial 


As she walked out, he glanced at her and said, Come and have breakfast. Then, I’ll take you to the office.” 

Violet nodded and had breakfast with him

She noticed that Patrick didn’t say a word while eating

After breakfast, Patrick dropped Violet off at her office and left


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