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My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson) novel Chapter 1082

Chapter 1082 Successful Surgery

Archie looked at her, and only after a long time did he realize that his body was unconsciously shaking.

He nodded his head.

At this time Nancy was driving, and hearing their words, she also pursed her lips and drove the car as fast as she could.

Meanwhile, Natalia directs Archie to call the family.

Well anyway, her water suddenly broke now, even if the child was born is considered premature, after all, there are still more than half a month from the due date.

So this must now be told to William and Ariana at home, and by the way, also call Kiera and Ian over.

Ian came over as an alternative in case something unexpected happens.

Kiera came over because she was able to calm Natalia's heart.

It was better to stay here than to be alone at home with her thoughts.

Archie listened to her words and did what she wanted one by one.

By the time the call was made, the car had also arrived at the hospital.

Because of the previous call, there was a stretcher ready in front of the hospital.

Archie carried Natalia onto the stretcher and together they pushed their way inside.

And at the same time, Ian and Kiera and the others arrived.

Because there are professional obstetricians and gynecologists, who are also internationally renowned, it was inconvenient for Ian, a man, to go in, so he didn't go in.

Just outside any problem, in a temporary remedy, the

The door to the operating room closed, the red light above it came on, and everyone was isolated from the operating room.

Everyone's heart can't help but be very worried and anxious.

Archie in particular, almost his entire hand is still shaking to this day.

Seeing this, Kiera went up to him and calmed him down, telling him not to worry, that Natalia would be fine and that the operation would be successful soon.

Until then, we have to stabilize ourselves!

Archie nodded, but saying that, as a husband and father, how could he not be worried and anxious?

He originally wanted to follow along into the delivery room, but because Natalia's situation was more urgent, and it would be too much of a hassle and delay if he had to sterilize, change into sterile clothes again, etc.

So he was not allowed to enter.

The matter is urgent, it has come to this point, Archie can not say anything else, everything is according to their most convenient.

A line of people are anxiously guarding the door.

By this time, Natalia in the operating room had reached the most painful stage.

It wasn't the first time she'd given birth, but it had never hurt this much.

It was like the heart, liver, spleen and lungs were ripped open.

Because the water had broken but the opening of the uterus had not yet opened, the only option was to have a cesarean section.

Soon, an anesthesiologist came and gave Natalia the anesthetic.

All the doctors and nurses, the best in the country, were found. When Archie found out that Natalia needed a C-section, his face went white.

Although the doctor has repeatedly assured him that there is no danger, but as long as the thought of opening such a large slit in Natalia's stomach, he still ...

At this point, it was Kiera who made a snap decision and signed in Archie's place.

"Archie, don't hesitate, you men don't understand such things as giving birth, we women are the most knowledgeable, the more you hesitate at this time the less you can make up your mind, doctor, cut it open, I'll sign this."

Kiera is Natalia's mother, and she naturally has the ability to sign off on this.

And Archie finally responded half-heartedly and nodded.

"Okay, I'll sign."

After signing the paperwork, he changed into a sterile gown anyway and went into the operating room at Archie's request.

The operating room bed where Natalia is lying.

He walked over with heavy feet, took her hand in his and called out, "Natalia."

By this time, Natalia had finished her anesthesia.

But she was still conscious, and her pale face grew even paler when she saw Archie.

Chapter 1082 Successful Surgery 1

Chapter 1082 Successful Surgery 2

Chapter 1082 Successful Surgery 3


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