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My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson) novel Chapter 1085

Chapter 1085 - Carrying her over

After sitting there, the two women held hands and talked happily.

The topics of conversation are just about children and family and stuff.

Kiera, unlike Natalia, is a housewife with little initiative.

Gentle nature, the concept and traditional, everything in life, follow the man is the sky.

If not, it wouldn't have been eaten to death by Philip and Clara, the two scumbags in the first place.

In the past Natalia was actually quite incomprehensible to her.

She didn't understand why her mother hadn't resisted when her father had slagged him off to this extent.

But then she had her own children, it seems that gradually she was able to understand her mother's heart at the beginning.

She was lucky to meet a great guy like Archie.

Therefore, after the marriage, almost no aggravation.

But in this world, not everyone can have such good luck.

More people, but like an ordinary person can not be ordinary, there are aggression, but also joy.

Although sometimes, the bitter taste may be more, but in order to let the children have a complete home, most of them are also endured it will pass.

As long as the other party does not go too far, for the sake of the children, everything can be disregarded.

Although Natalia, until now, could not agree with such a concept.

But just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean you can't understand it.

Because sometimes she asks herself, if she were put in Kiera's place, she might not be able to do better than Kiera.

Now that The Dawson family is gone, Kiera has a new life of her own.

In fact, this is quite good.

Natalia sighed in her mind, but Kiera didn't know what she was thinking.

Kiera laughed, "After talking for a while, I forgot the business."

She said and slapped herself on the head, got up and walked to the side and brought the thermos bucket from the cabinet.

"Natalia, this is a tonic soup I made myself, it also has a lot of things in it that are suitable for women who have just given birth, all of them are the remedies that your Uncle Ian personally prepared, you should drink more of them and replenish your vitality."

Natalia laughed, "Mom, you are so tonic for me, you are not afraid to make me a big fat big ah."

She was actually quite worried about losing her figure after giving birth.

Unexpectedly, Kiera glared at her.

"I warn you ah, you have just given birth, this time or C-section, the body is weak, do not move to want to lose weight or something, thin and beauty is important health? Without a healthy body, what can you do?"

Natalia was admonished by her for no reason and couldn't help but touch her nose.

Some helpless and some funny said, "Okay, okay, I listen to you, I drink still can not?"

When Kiera saw that she agreed, she was satisfied and handed over the ladle of soup.

Natalia held the bowl and sipped slowly.

I have to say, Kiera's craftsmanship is really good as always.

Obviously is a big tonic soup, but not at all let people feel greasy boring fishy, smelling only a light fragrance.

When you drink it in your mouth, you can even feel a hint of sweetness.

Know is in the soup, do not know also thought in what drink it.

This soup changed Natalia's previous misconceptions about eating all kinds of greasy and tonic things while sitting on the moon.

Because the soup tasted really good, Natalia drank three bowls in one sitting before she stopped.

Only embarrassingly, it may be because the soup is too much, just put down the bowl, she felt a pang of internal urgency.

Well ... wants to go to the bathroom.

Kiera didn't know she wanted to go to the bathroom, and was happy to see her drinking so much soup and rambling to her next to her about family matters.

It was only when she turned around without thinking and saw Natalia's face in some pain, covering her stomach, that she was frightened and ran over.

Chapter 1085 - Carrying Her Over 1

Chapter 1085 - Carrying Her Over 2


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