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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 112

After some bargaining, Lucien finally agrees that Nina can go out to work, but on the condition that she must work in Gray’s Group as his secretary. He wants to keep her in his sight.

Today is the first day to work. Nina is particularly excited. Black blazer and red skirt shape her slim figure well.

“Hello! Is that Miss Morrison, Nina Morrison?” The personnel director takes her directly to the office next to the president’s office.

There are two other girls in the secretary’s room who are working before the computer screen.

“Let me introduce to you our new colleague, Nina Morrison.” The personnel director introduces. She murmurs in her heart and wonders what is special of Nina Morrison? And the president ordered her to personally guide her on boarding.

“Oh!” A girl in a blue chiffon shirt stands up, and her face is full of surprises, “Nina! It’s you!”

Nina looks at the girl, and there is a surprise smile on her face, “Sunny! What are you doing here?”

The girl in blue is just Nina’s friend, Sunny, who used to work in the restaurant.

Sunny rushes over and holds Nina’s hand, “Nina, how can you disappear so long? Your phone number is changed too. I’ve called you several times but failed....”

“Cough! Cough!” The personnel director pretends to cough and she shots out sharp eyesight through her phoenix eyes.

Nina and Sunny look at each other and spit out their tongue at the same time. Just now they were so excited that they forgot that they were working in the company.

The personal director closes the door and leaves. This small office suddenly becomes the world of three girls.

“Nina, this is Wendy.” Sunny introduces another girl in the office to Nina.

Nina reaches out her hand to Wendy friendly, “Hi! I am Nina Morrison. You can call me Nina.”

Wendy is very beautiful. Her skin is white and tender. She has a pair of beautiful big eyes, with long and curly eyelashes. She looks like a doll, and she also dresses in princess style. The whole person is like a delicate porcelain doll.

Wendy pretends not to see Nina’s outstretched hand, and she squeezes out a smile from her face, “Hi!”

What a little girl with unknown origin who wants to shake hands with her. Sunny’s friend must be another poor girl with no background. She doesn’t have to entertain her.

Sunny is standing beside with her face in red. She has a bad relationship with Wendy. Unexpectedly, Wendy is so rude to Nina because of this.

Nina looks at Sunny with a little confusion. She doesn’t seem to offend Wendy, how can she be so impolite.

“Come with me, I’ll take you to your seat.” Sunny winks at Nina and takes her to the table next to her.

Computers and other things have been configured before. Nina just entered the work interface.

Just after Nina landing in the company’s internal communication software, Sunny’s chat box pops up: “Nina, Wendy’s father is customer manager of Gray Group, so she has always been very supercilious in the company. She is just that virtue, so you don’t need to care about her.”

“Well, I see. Anyway, I’ll do my job well.” Nina sends a smile emoji to Sunny.

It’s so nice. Nina didn’t expect to meet Sunny in Gray’s Group. She feels that her life has some color again.

It’s also nice to be able to work again. Since she has been with Lucien, her life has been far from normal.

Nina looks out of the window at the high and blue sky, and takes a deep breath. This is C City. she finally comes back.

She had already called the funeral home, booked the sacrificial supplies such as wreath and paper money to be burned for the dead and so on. Tomorrow, she will go to the cemetery to worship her father.

Dad, how are you in heaven? Are you happy with mother?

Dad, I’m fine.

Nina opens the diary on the computer and records her mood at the moment.

“Bi…” The loudspeaker in the secretary’s room rings.

Lucien’s voice comes out, “there will be an important meeting later. Wendy, please take Nina with you to attend the meeting.”

Wendy looks at Nina with surprise. In general, only senior secretaries are qualified to attend such high-level meetings. Nina, a girl who just came here today, was named by the president to attend the meeting?

Nina is a little excited. Finally, she can see the legendary senior management. As a freshman in the workplace, she can definitely learn a lot.

When it’s time for meeting, Wendy shouts at Nina, “Nina, meeting!”

Nina walks to the meeting room with her laptop in her arms. Seeing Sunny’s gesture of cheering on her, she feels warm

Wendy leads the way in front. When they get to the meeting room, Nina suddenly feels a little anxious to pee. It maybe she just drank too much water.

“Wendy, could you wait for me for a moment? I want to go to the toilet.” Nina says with some embarrassment.


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