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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 113

Nina’s eyesight suddenly meet Lucien’s deep eyes. She does not avoid, but looks at him bravely.

At the moment, she has completely forgotten the tangled relationship between her and Lucien. She is just an ordinary employee who puts forward her own opinions on the company’s business and tries to reduce unnecessary losses for the company.

She has no shame in her heart, so she dares to look into Lucien’s eyes.

Lucien’s profound eyes flash appreciation for Nina. Unexpectedly, Nina Morrison, as a new recruit, has such sharp eyes. Even the doubts he didn’t think about just now were pointed out by her.

Lucien regards Nina with new eyes!

“Manager Zhang, go back and check the data,” he said to the manager of the business department.

Nina is relieved. She knows that her suggestion has been adopted.

After several presentations, the meeting is finally over.

Nina walks out with her notebook. Lucien, who is just about to walk out of the meeting room, suddenly steps forward, turns around and takes a deep look at Nina not far behind him.

Nina just raises her head and catches Lucien’s deep eyes. She feels a little nervous for no reason.

“Mr. Gray.” Next to him, the senior director sees Lucien turn around and look at the secretary behind him. He thinks Lucien has something else to do.

Lucien still stares at Nina tightly. There is an unidentified glimmer in his eyes. He purses her lips and says, “Give Secretary Morrison a bonus, according to the highest standard.”

Walking behind Lucien, Wendy clearly hears this sentence. Her teeth clench her red lips, which were extremely delicate, and her jealous expression flashed away.

Seeing Wendy’s expression, Nina is depressed for a while. She didn’t come up with the limelight at first. Now that’s good. She got an enemy for herself as soon as she joined the company.

Back to the secretary’s office, Nina is still a little doldrums. Seeing Nina’s depressed face, Sunny thinks that something had gone wrong with her work. She come to Nina and asks, “Nina, are you ok? Didn’t the conference records be made well just now?”

“Sunny, don’t be self-righteous. She was enjoying great popularity just now. Now she is a favorite of president!” Wendy sits on her seat and says in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

Sunny sees Wendy’s look of jealousy and envy, and she knows that Nina’s work didn’t go wrong. She immediately put her mind at rest. She pats Nina on the shoulder and returns to her seat.

“Sunny, I just pointed out the mistake of the manager of the business department at the meeting.”

“Nina, what did you do at the meeting just now? Look at Wendy. She looks so jealous.”

Their chat boxes pop up at the same time. Nina and Sunny look up and smile at each other tacitly.

Wendy looks at the eye contact of the two people, and her white and tender hand clenches the porcelain cup in her hand. Her beautiful and long fingernails can’t stand the pressure and one of them is broken.

Nina tells Sunny what happened at today’s meeting. Sunny is so excited that she almost jumps up, “Nina, you are so wonderful! You are so smart that you can see such a big mistake as a freshman right here!”

Nina smiles shyly. Sunny is always so cheerful, and for friends, she is always lavish in her praise.

Lucien’s figure suddenly flashes through the door. He and two directors are walking out of the office.

“Nina, it’s great! The president is going out! We can relax afternoon!” Sunny happily says to Nina with chat box.

Wendy also sees Lucien’s figure outside the door. Her eyes fall on Nina’s face. Then she gets up and walks to the tea room with her hips wiggled.

It’s lunchtime. Sunny comes to clap Nina’s shoulder happily and says, “Nina, let’s go and have lunch!”

The staff restaurant of Gray’s Group is famous for its cuisine. Not only all the meals are free, but also the dishes are rich and diverse, and the taste is as well as other famous restaurants.

That’s why so many people want to work in the Gray’s Group. The salary and welfare is good, and the president is a famous handsome diamond bachelor. Therefore, many unmarried girls, such as Wendy, come to work in Gray’s Group with the mentality of fishing a fine rich husband.

Once upon a time, Wendy and Lucien had a passionate night. Unfortunately, it was only one night.

But she is not reconciled. As long as she works hard, she doesn’t believe that she can’t get Lucien’s love!

Nina and Sunny are sitting in a quiet corner, chatting and eating. They are so happy. Nina has not been so happy for a long time. It’s really happy to chat with good friends without any scruples!

Wendy walks over. Her food plate is steaming, on which may be a bowl of hot soup.

Wendy comes over with her hips wiggled. When she comes to Nina’s side, her body sways and the plate suddenly tilted. A bowl of hot soup is poured on Nina’s arm!

“Oh!” Wendy shouts loudly before Nina cried, “Nina, I’m sorry. I’m really so sorry! I didn't mean it!”

“Ah! It hurts!” The hot soup has scalded Nina’s arm into red.

“Oh! Nina! Are you alright?” Sunny quickly drops her spoon and helps Nina to check the condition. The red arm has already raised some bubbles. “Nina! Your arm is blistering!”

Sunny stares angrily at Wendy and says, “Why are you so careless! You scald Nina’s arm! It’s blistering!”


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