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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 115

There is no expression on Lucien’s cold face, and he just looking at Wendy coldly.

“President, it’s not what you think!” Wendy shouts in horror and deeply shocked. She can’t believe that Lucien will fire her for such a small thing.

Even if without that night, her father is a senior executive of the company. Tot for the monk’s sake, but for the Buddha’s. This little girl just came to the company for one day!

Looking at Wendy’s distorted face, Lucien frowns impatiently and says in a stern voice, “Go pack up and leave, now!”

Wendy’s tears suddenly come out, and she begs, “President, I know I’m wrong! I won’t dare to do it anymore!” She falls at the side of Lucien’s feet.

“Get out! Now!” Lucien hates the woman who keeps pestering most. Her voice can’t be cold any more.

Wendy knows that there is no room for retention any more. The tears in her eyes are rolling, and the cold light is shining in her eyes. Looking at Lucien, her shaking hands slowly closed into fists, and she says, “Is Nina Morrison so important to you?”

“Get out!” Lucien shouts coldly.

Wendy’s venomous eyes sweep Nina’s face and makes her shudder!

It’s just a small scald. Even if Wendy was intentional, the punishment is too heavy for her.

Is he trying to avenge me? However, she does not need such revenge!

Nina looks up at him with complicated eyes.

After another three days, Nina sits at her seat to process the documents. She doesn’t finish typing half a line, so she hears Sunny’s excited voice: “Nina! Are you so lucky in adventures with men?”

Nina turns her head in surprise, “What?”

With a smile on her face, Sunny walks up to her with a thumping voice. Then she says with her beautiful face in mysterious, “Nina, tell me, which rich man did you hook up with?”

“What are you talking about?” Nina’s heart shrinks. Is her relationship with Lucien discovered by Sunny?

It’s impossible. She is usually very careful. It’s impossible for Sunny to find out.

Sunny magically takes out a bunch of beautiful roses from behind and says, “The florist just sent them! Your name is on the card!”

Who sent the flowers? Nina is also a little confused.

She hurriedly stands up to receive the rose. The strong fragrance comes to her nose. There is a sentence on the pink card, “Nina, isn’t it a surprise?”

The brushstrokes in this painting exhibit force and vigour characteristic. It’s Lucien’s handwriting!

Surprised? What a surprise! What a naive man Lucien is!

She’s not a little girl anymore, how can a bunch of roses surprise her?

“Ah ah ah...”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa...”

High decibel screams of female colleagues outside come one by one.

Nina rubs her aching ears, frowns and looks at the door. Suddenly, she is stunned. A man in the uniform of the florist comes here with a big red heart made of roses.

The big red heart is so huge, almost 2 meters high, and the spacious office is crowded immediately.

“Wow, the vulgar plot of the idol plays is staged live! How much does such a huge bundle of roses cost?” Sunny stands beside Nina and marvels. Her white face is full of admire.

Nina is speechless.

“Miss, there are 9999 roses in total. Please sign to acknowledge the receipt.” The florist worker takes out the list for her to sign.

“I’m sorry, but I refuse to sign.” Nina also stuffs the rose bouquet in her hand back to the florist worker, “Please take all these roses back.”

What is Lucien going to do? Didn’t he go on a business trip? Why does he have time to send her roses?

“Miss, please sign for it! The buyer has already paid.” The staff of the flower shop thinks Nina doesn’t want to pay.

“I don’t care. Take them out!” Nina’s face is cold.

What does he think she is? He is intentional to make her can’t survive in the company. Great, she became the focus of the whole company again!

She doesn’t want to be like this! She just wants to go to work peacefully and have a light life! Does he understand or not!

“Nina? Are you stupid? There are so many roses. It’s good to put them in the office!” Sunny stops Nina excitedly, grabs a pen and sign for Nina. Then she says to the florist worker, “I signed for her! You can leave. Go, go!”

The florist worker rushes out of the office like a fugitive, afraid that she would regret next second.

“Sunny!” Nina glares at Sunny angrily.

Sunny is her best friend, who should know her stubborn temper of saying no is just no. She even dares to receive the flowers!

“Oh, don’t be angry! If you don’t like them, let me have them!” Sunny cheerfully coaxes Nina, but says so, her body doesn’t move at all. She looks at Nina and do gossip, “Tell me! Who sent the flowers? Why don't you take them?”

Why don’t I take them?

Nina smiles bitterly. If Sunny knows who sent the flower, she would not ask such a question.

Nina didn’t know that Lucien is the combination of angel and devil in the mind of employees until she came to Gray’s Group.

He was said to be an angel, exactly because of his handsome face; said he was a devil, because her work style has been too cold and domineering.


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