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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 114

“You are such an ingrate woman!” Lucien stares at her and says in a cold voice.

His eyesight directly hits her face, with strong aggressiveness, which makes her a little afraid. It’s really frightening when Lucien gets angry.

They calm down and stop talking. The elevator is going up smoothly.

The four walls of the elevator are made of very smooth stainless steel, through which can clearly see the figure of Lucien. He is in a silver gray shirt without a tie. There are two buttons unbuttoned in front of his clothes, and the neckline is open at will.

He is so charming with talk and strong figure, and handsome facial features, like a prince.

Damn it! Nina suddenly realized her gaffe.

She is even stunned when looking at Lucien’s shadow. Nina secretly glances at Lucien and finds that his eyes are looking at the buttons in the elevator. He didn’t notice her gaffe.

Nina breathes a sigh of relief, and says unnaturally, “president, you don’t need to send me personally. I’ll go there by myself.”

Nina thinks her tone is euphemistic enough. But Lucien is arrogant says directly, “Shut up!”

She makes a flat mouth and stops talking knowingly. She really doesn’t want to piss Lucien off.

In her heart, however, she doesn’t regard it as right. Lucien is concerned about her, right? But why is his concern so uncomfortable?

She can’t feel the warmth of being cared for, but feel being threatened.

He is so overbearing even if caring about others. Nina shakes her head in her heart. Lucien is really an arrogant man.

Nina shakes her head and signs in her heart. She labels Lucien as “egomaniac”. Maybe her expression is too vivid. Lucien turns around and says, “Nina, what are you think about?”

“Err, I didn’t.” Of course Nina won’t admit that she is scolding him in her heart.

“Really?” Lucien turns to Nina and looks down at her. His voice is low and magnetic, with a little doting, which made her lost for a moment.

Nina turns her head away from Lucien’s sight. She nods hard to express her innocence.

Lucien suddenly reaches out and pats Nina’s head, “Silly girl, it’s on the 19th floor!”

Nina looks up. Sure enough, the elevator has reached the infirmary on the 19th floor.

They walk on the bright floor to the clinic.

Lucien reaches out to hold Nina’s hand, raises her arm and looks at the injury, “Did you offend Wendy today?”

Nina shakes her head quickly, but she doesn’t want to say other people’s right and wrong to Lucien. “No, you think too much. She should be careless.”

“No matter whether she did it on purpose or not, she must pay the price for hurting my woman.” said Lucien coldly. There is a flash of violence in his eyes.

“Hum.” Nina sneers at Lucien’s words, “Your Excellency President, have you made a mistake? Isn’t Wendy your woman? I heard you had a romance with her.”

What a merciless man. Wendy is the woman he slept with, but he turns away and doesn’t recognize her.

“Nina, are you jealous?” Lucien bows his head to her, and the hot breath comes to her ear. The light smell of Cologne on his body was floating in her nose.

Nina quickly steps back and makes a distance between her and Lucien, “Of course not! I just want to remind you not to be so ruthless.”

Nina feels unworthy for Wendy. Everyone knows that Lucien has always been ruthless to women. Wendy just fell into this dead end and refused to come out.

“Really?” He doesn’t care that Nina’s words have thorns in them. He forces her to the corner of the wall, and his voice is more deep and ambiguous.

“Hey, hey, don’t go into heat. This is in company! Aren’t you afraid that your subordinates will see you flirt with female employees?” Nina is forced to the corner by Lucien. There is nowhere for escape!

She has to put her hands on Lucien’s chest. His chest is hard, and his muscles are very tight and elastic which touched so well. Nina suddenly blushes. What the hell is she doing!

This man is flirting with her, but she is experiencing the feeling of this man’s chest!

Lucien sees Nina’s blushing face and suddenly feels very happy. He lowered his head and covers her small hands with his big hands. He says in a hoarse voice, almost flirting, “Nina, you blush. What dirty pictures are you thinking about?”

Goodness! Nina is almost dying of mad. This man is so speechless! He’s the only one who thinks about things that are not suitable for children every day, right?

“You are so boring!” Then she leaves Lucien and runs to the clinic.


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