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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 136

Sunny sneaks back to her room like a thief and rushes to the bathroom to take a bath.

Peter Johnson was so crazy last night that she has to clean up the marks he left on her body.

In the morning, while Peter Johnson still sleeps, she sneaks back to her room. She is really afraid Nina will call her for breakfast in a moment.

Looking at the mirror in the bathroom, Sunny takes a cold breath.

On her neck and the front of her chest, there are all dense red kiss marks. How could she meet others later?

Fortunately, it is winter and people wear a lot of clothes. If it was summer, she would be miserable.

After a bath, Sunny gets dressed and wear a scarf, then calls the phone in Nina's room wanting to ask her to have breakfast together. Last night she tossed about almost a night, she is half-dead from hunger.

"Beep, beep…" The phone has been ringing for a long time and no one answers.

Sunny's frowns with strange. Where has Nina been and why is she not in the room? If she went to breakfast, she would have called her together.

Is she in the shower? Sunny lies on the bed, ready to call back later.

The fluffy pillow holds her head softly and makes her feel comfortable. Everything that happened last night comes back to her mind when she closes eyes.

Sunny's face suddenly turns red. She buries her face deeper into the pillow, but she can't swing those erotic pieces of mind…

What happened last night makes Sunny shy and feel sweet.

After a short break, she finds herself start thinking of Peter Johnson.

With white fingers stretching to the phone, she hesitates and does not know whether to dial the number of Peter Johnson room…

Is he still asleep? He must have been exhausted last night. Sunny smiles and thinks, drawing back her fingers.

After waiting for a long time, she calls to Nina's room again but still nobody is there. Sunny call Nina's cell phone, unexpectedly Nina also doesn't answer and Sunny begins to worry.

She has not seen Nina since she broke up with Nina last night. Is something wrong with her?

Sunny is confused and hungry, so she decides to take her mobile phone to the restaurant and have breakfast first.

Just came out of the room, she comes face to face with Vivi.


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