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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 137

Sunny comes to the door of Peter Johnson's room and finds the door is wide open.

In front of Peter Johnson, standing Director Sheer and two other executives she doesn't know.

The four people see Sunny at the door and turn their heads.

Sunny does not expect that colleagues would report work so early, so she suddenly stop to be stunned.

Early in the morning, Sunny runs to Peter Johnson's room to find him, and is so embarrassed when seeing them here. It seems she is embarrassed to be caught by them. This is really strange!

The other two executives lower their heads and exchange ambiguous eyes. Sunny must have abnormal relationship with Mr. Peter Johnson! There must be an affair!

The sneaky eyes of the two people are seen by Sunny, and she is more embarrassed in the heart, her face also momentarily blushes. It is like being seen naked and she wishes to find a seam to get in!

Sunny looks at Peter Johnson for help and hopes he can help her to solve the trouble. Even if he says that he asked her to come to report the work, it will be better than make her embarrassed along!

But Peter Johnson only slightly turns his head to take a look at her. Sunny also notices that he even slightly frowns, apparently not welcome her arrival.

"What are you doing here, Miss Sunny?" Indifferent and unfamiliar voice immediately makes a distance between Peter Johnson and Sunny, as strange as if they had not done so intimate things together last night!

With heart suddenly cool down, Sunny feels only a bucket of ice water poured on her head.

She squeezes out an ugly smile in embarrassment, and says, "Oh, nothing, I just want to ask Mr. Peter Johnson if you have seen Nina…"

Nina? Those two executives look at each other in eyes again. Is that Nina who has an affair with Peter Johnson? Or why Sunny come here early in the morning and ask Peter Johnson?

Hearing Sunny mentions Nina, Harlan also turns his head to looks at Sunny, holding the papers to report work with Peter Johnson. He concernedly asks, "Sunny, what's wrong with Nina?"

Seeing a casual reason unexpectedly attracts so many people's attention, Sunny is much more embarrassed, blushing as if to burn off, and also can't speak clearly, "Oh, Nina's fine, I…I just look for her everywhere.."

Her words are out of order; even Sunny herself does not know what she is talking about.

"You go down first!" Peter Johnson waves and let three men leave first.

"What is wrong with Nina?" Peter Johnson still remains seriousness of listening to the report just now in her face, bending over to look at Sunny.


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