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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 170

Lucien's eyes are indifferent and arrogant. He is the only one who uses money to drive all the women away. How could a woman give him money to get rid of him now?

He looks at Nina very still, and his long and thin eyes narrow into a line, like a beast about to leave the gate.

Nina can't help but shrink into the quilt. She makes him so angry, so isn't he going to... rape first and then kill?

Lucien approaches her step by step.

Nina's eyes dodges for a while, then she suddenly opens them in panic!

Nina tightly shrinks her body at the head of the bed and bites her lips in fear.

Is it too late to regret now? She's wrong, she's really wrong!

"Nina, now that you want to play, I will accompany you to the end!" Lucien's voice is arrogant with bloodthirsty fury, and then he pulls Nina's quilt away!

Until it is about to dawn, Nina falls asleep drowsily.

She's really tired! The physical strength of this life is almost used up this night!

Nina is awakened by Lucien's calm low voice.

"Isn't the land of Amarillo ready for shooting? Why is there such a problem now?" His voice is very low with anger. He says it and looks at Nina at the same time, as if he is afraid to disturb her.

Nina closes her eyes and pretends to sleep.

Lucien hangs up the phone and makes another call, "Linda, book me a ticket to Texas." He looks at the watch on his wrist, "An hour later."

The other end of the phone seems to be asking about the return time.

Lucien ponders for a while and says, "Let's make a temporary reservation for about three o'clock on Sunday afternoon."

Nina feels a little happy. That's great! He wouldn't pester her on Saturday!

Lucien hangs up and looks at Nina, who is sleeping soundly. Her long eyelashes fall down densely, and two rows of light shadows are reflected under the eyelids.

Her lips are pink and soft, and there is a broken at the corner of her mouth. The dried blood trace is bright red, especially charming on the fair and tender face.


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